Becoming a leader reminds me of bringing your first baby home from the hospital. You can’t help but think, “Shouldn’t there have been more training for this? You’re trusting me with the well-being of this other human?” And even once you get your feet under you, leadership is not for the faint of heart. You […]
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As you think about your personal and professional growth, you need to think about how to invest time and funding into your career development. There’s a misconception that professional development tools or resources require a hefty budget, and it can keep many people from taking advantage of the incredible benefits they offer. In this post, […]
Read MorePerformance reviews can be a stressful experience for both the person being reviewed and the reviewer. A lot can be riding on them including compensation and promotions, so it’s a heightened experience, often with a lot of emotions surrounding it. Frequently as managers, we are not given any training as to how to handle these […]
Read MoreWhether you’re aiming for employee performance goals that align with organizational objectives, or you’re intrigued by the idea of setting SMART goals for yourself, this post is your roadmap. Let’s dig into the secrets behind effective goal setting, the importance of measurable goals, and the transformative power of aligning your performance goals with your values […]
Read MoreCongratulations! You’ve landed the big job you’ve been wanting. Now the real work begins. Starting any new role can be intimidating, but this can be exacerbated when the person who held it before you left big shoes to fill. Perhaps that person was an absolute rockstar at their job or maybe they had been there […]
Read MoreAs a leader of an organization that has a wellbeing orientation, it can be tempting for me to over-index on empathy and prioritize employee happiness and wellbeing above all else. I truly do care about my team and fundamentally believe that what’s good for people is good for business. But what’s good doesn’t necessarily mean […]
Read MoreDownload our comprehensive step-by-step guide to design and land a job you love!
As leaders, we are time constrained to the max. We are making sure our direct reports have what they need, our superiors or peers have insight to our work, all while trying to get something on our own checklist accomplished here and there. It’s easy to go go go and forget to pause and reflect. […]
Read MoreIn the midst of hectic schedules and competing work priorities, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected from what truly matters to you. That’s where working with a coach comes in. When you’re busy, it may seem counterintuitive to add another commitment to your plate. You may look at your week and think that there’s […]
Read MoreAs you continue to rise the ranks as a leader, you’ll gain all sorts of skills and get exposed to many new aspects of business. Do you understand the P&L (profit and loss statement)? Do you know how to manage a poor performer? Can you build and deliver a compelling presentation? Can you build your […]
Read MoreCoaching is an incredibly powerful tool that can benefit you, your life, and your career in countless ways. Most of Ama La Vida’s clients come to us with a specific goal in mind that they are seeking guidance on and accountability to achieve. But what happens each and every time is that in addition to […]
Read MoreWe’ve been renovating my condo for a year and a half. It pains me to say this, as my husband and I thought it would be a 3-month job. We’ve done some of the work ourselves and have hired out a few things to specialists, but the vast majority of the work has been done […]
Read MoreIn my career, I’ve managed everyone from very young professionals straight out of school to seasoned leaders with decades of experience. Despite the wide variety in experience and background, I continue to find that almost all employees struggle with the same thing: proactive upward communication. This sounds buzz-wordy and like it’s just corporate jargon used […]
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