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The Community

A monthly group coaching program designed to help you stay accountable, build connections, and learn new techniques to navigate life’s challenges.

woman on conference call talking to computer screen

It’s so hard to…

Make time for yourself
and prioritize your goals.

Find ways to grow your
career, your network,
and your personal life.

Maintain the progress
you saw while working
with your coach.

woman waving at computer screen


A safe space where you can not only set ambitious goals but also have unwavering support to hold you accountable every step of the way.

Imagine a community of like-minded people who share your drive and determination, creating a network of connections that will last long after the coaching sessions end. Envision regularly diving into a treasure trove of new ideas, techniques, and resources that will propel you forward in both your personal and professional life.

Lastly, imagine feeling both challenged and supported, knowing that you have a dedicated coach and a group of empowering individuals cheering you on throughout your journey. This is what our monthly group coaching offers – a transformative experience where you can thrive and grow in every aspect of your life.

What Is Group Coaching?

Group coaching sessions are facilitated discussions led by one of our team of coaches. Unlike one-on-one dedicated coaching sessions, in group coaching you will have the opportunity to hear varying perspectives, share from your own experiences, and learn from others.

Research has shown that group coaching can lead to…

  • Improved self-awareness and sense of self
  • Improved relationships with those around them
  • No longer feeling alone
  • A sense of giving back

In addition to the direct benefit you will gain in speaking with the coach yourself, there is learning which happens by hearing about others’ experiences and internally processing how they would approach the situation based on what they learned in the session.

Come to these sessions ready to explore your own challenges, hear how others have worked through similar experiences, and gain insights from other members as well as your coach.

Why Choose Ama La Vida?


Total Members Served


All-Time Coaching Hours Provided


Member Satisfaction Rating

How Does It Work?

3 Steps To Achieving Your Career And Life Goals

1. Register For
The Community Membership

Join our monthly group coaching program designed to help you stay accountable, build connections, and learn new techniques to navigate life’s challenges.

2. Get Instant Access
To Your Dashboard

Gain immediate access to your personalized dashboard, where you can unlock Ama La Vida resources, tools, and support tailored specifically to meet your needs and goals.

3. Sign Up For The Sessions
You Want To Attend!

Step into unlimited possibilities by signing up for the sessions that resonate with you, expanding your knowledge in areas such as career, life, and leadership coaching.

What’s Included?

The Community Membership is designed to offer you all the perks of our coaching membership at an affordable monthly rate.

8 Group Coaching Calls Per Month*

Elevate your journey with exclusive, live calls available at different times to fit your busy schedule. These calls are reserved solely for our Ama La Vida Network community, providing a safe space for accountability, support, and personalized guidance.

*Please note that the schedule may vary based on holiday closures. Calls will not be recorded to ensure a coaching-conducive environment for attendees.

Our Private Connect Slack Channel

Join a vibrant, members-only Slack channel where you can forge meaningful connections with like-minded individuals. Engage in conversations, access valuable resources, participate in Q&A sessions with our coaches and fellow members, and build a long-lasting network that uplifts and inspires.

eCoaching Dashboard

Take charge of your personal growth on your own terms. Our eCoaching modules and tools are accessible whenever and wherever you need them, empowering you to delve into new ideas, techniques, and resources at your own pace.

Members-Only Add-Ons

As a valued member, you gain access to exclusive add-ons such as a single 1:1 coaching session or a resume revamp. These tailored extras are not available to the general public, providing you with additional personalized support on your journey.

Transform Your Life And Career

Are you tired of feeling stuck and longing for a supportive community that understands your journey? The Community Membership is here to empower you to become the best version of yourself.

With our monthly group coaching, you’ll not only be held accountable to your ambitions and goals but also create a long-lasting network with like-minded people.

Together, we’ll regularly explore new ideas, techniques, and resources that will propel you forward in both your life and career. Don’t wait any longer – join us every week and embrace the challenge and support you deserve on your journey to personal growth and success.

Member Feedback

“I enjoyed the community membership and getting a taste of the different coaches’ styles. There’s truly something for everyone.

It’s also helpful to hear other people’s experiences and being able to find common ground with other community members. Would recommend for anyone looking to dip their toe into the coaching experience.”


Still have questions?
We’ve got answers…

Are we limited on the number of sessions we can attend?

No, you aren’t! You can join as many sessions as you want. We believe in the power of unlimited growth and learning. There are no restrictions on the number of sessions you can attend because we understand that everyone’s journey is unique and requires different levels of support.

We have designed our Community Membership to be flexible and accommodating to your needs. Whether you prefer frequent sessions or occasional check-ins, we are here for you every step of the way.

Is this like a webinar or lecture?

No, these sessions are an interactive gathering infused with a masterclass-style approach. We believe in creating an immersive and engaging learning experience, where you actively participate in your own growth and development. Our approach goes beyond the traditional webinar or lecture format.

In these sessions, we foster collaboration and encourage discussions among participants. You’ll have the opportunity to interact with other like-minded individuals who share similar goals and aspirations. Through group activities, exercises, and real-life case studies, you’ll gain practical knowledge that you can apply directly to your life.

Where can I find a schedule of these sessions?

As soon as you join our community, you’ll have access to the session schedule right on your dashboard. We make sure to keep it updated throughout the month so that you can easily plan and register for the sessions that resonate with you. You are welcome to participate in as many sessions as you would like, empowering yourself with valuable insights and guidance along your journey of personal growth and impact-making.

What if I want to go and can’t make it?

We understand that life happens, and we’ve got you covered. While we don’t record the sessions for a coaching-conducive environment, rest assured that there are plenty of other opportunities for you to attend live. With 8 sessions per month, you’ll have ample chances to join us on this transformative journey.

Will the sessions be the same every month?

No, they are not the same every month. We believe in personalization and tailoring our sessions to meet your unique needs, goals, and aspirations. We listen carefully to your feedback and make adjustments accordingly. Each month brings a fresh set of topics and insights that are designed to empower you on your journey of personal growth.

Sometimes we may repeat certain sessions if they have been particularly impactful or if there is a demand for further exploration. In fact, we often host “part 2” sessions that delve even deeper into specific topics based on popular demand. Our goal is to provide you with a diverse range of content that keeps you engaged and continuously learning.

Who can join these sessions?

To join these sessions, all you need to do is become an Ama La Vida member.

By signing up for either The Community Membership or a Personal Coaching Membership, you gain access to these valuable sessions with our team of dedicated coaches.

Do I need to join for a specific amount of months?

No, you don’t need to commit to a specific number of months when joining our membership. We understand that life can be unpredictable and circumstances may change, so we’ve designed our membership to offer flexibility.

You also have the freedom to cancel at any time if it no longer aligns with your needs or goals. Our goal is to make your coaching journey as convenient and empowering as possible.

The Investment

Unlock a world of growth, support, and connection with The Community Membership. Join a vibrant community of like-minded people who are ready to embrace personal and professional transformation. Ready to join? Get started now!

What’s Included

  • 8 Group coaching calls per month
  • Instant access to our private Slack channel
  • Instant access to your eCoaching dashboard
  • Exclusive access to members-only add-ons
  • Two group coaching calls each week
  • Instant access to our private Slack channel
  • Instant access to your eCoaching dashboard
  • Exclusive access to members-only add-ons
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