Quit Your Imposter Syndrome Online Course

From: $59.00 for 1 year

We’ve designed a comprehensive program to help you navigate building your confidence in 4 phases:

Phase 1: Exploring Your Gifts

We are trained from a young age to focus on what is wrong with us, rather than what is right. The truth is that people have several times more potential when they focus on their strengths rather than focusing on their shortcomings. During this phase, we use guided exercises to help you explore your unique talents and gifts so you can begin to lead from the core of who you are.

Phase 2: Doing Your Shadow Work

The inner critic inside can cause so much harm, and even put us in states of freeze where we don’t want to take any action steps forward. In this phase, you’ll identify your own patterns of insecurity and fear, and learn how to overcome those by replacing these beliefs and patterns with empowering thoughts.

Phase 3: Building Your Toolbox

This phase is all about teaching you how to build up your own personal toolbox of strategies that you can draw upon anytime you have that feeling of lack of confidence and self-doubt. Be equipped anytime you need so you don’t have to worry about go back to old harmful patterns.

Phase 4: Putting it all together

Finally, in the last phase, we put everything together. This is where you learn how to build healthy habits so you can stick to working these new skills, shifting your mindset and daily actions. As you integrate these new healthy habits into your lifestyle, you’ll begin to be able to address that inner critic right away, shifting limiting beliefs quicker so you can confidently lead a life you love.


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