Ready to become your most confident self by overcoming your imposter syndrome*?
Learning how to get to the root of your insecurities to develop self-confidence in your day-to-day life just got a whole lot easier with our proven Quit Your Imposter Syndrome online course.
*Imposter syndrome definition: A sense of dread that you’re going to be “found out” Imposter Syndrome means we feel like we’ve somehow tricked people into believing we’re capable, good, worthy, but anything we do or say might show them that we’re a “fraud.”

All the gurus and viral videos will tell you to “fake it till you make it” in order to express your confidence…
…However, we don’t subscribe to that mindset. It can keep you in a perpetual state of fear and performance because you are never truly addressing the underlying challenges that are inhibiting your truest confident self to shine through.
And we’ve seen time and time again that surface-level strategies like mantras and power-posing won’t help you get to the root of your insecurities…
…which is why you need to get intimate with them so you can actually address and overcome them.
We believe it is possible to know who you are, love who you are, feel worthy right now and lead confidently from that place without needing external validation.
If you are saying to yourself, “This is how I want to feel!” and nodding your head “yes” in agreement with our beliefs…
Then get ready, because we created this program just for you.
The ripple effects of taking this course and getting to the root of who you are may include…
⭐ Developing courage to step outside your comfort zone
⭐ Setting healthy boundaries
⭐ Moving forward to pursue your dreams and goals
⭐ Changing negative thought patterns
⭐ Overcoming imposter syndrome
⭐ Overcoming fear of failure

You know that in order to feel confident, you need to get to the root of your insecurities.
However, maybe you’re finding that your inner critic is constantly saying things to you like…
“I have to do X thing before I can take action”
“You have no idea what you’re doing”
“Other people have more experience than I do”
“I’m going to be to ‘found out’ that I’m a fraud”
Which makes you only feel confident when you have external validation.

Imagine feeling confident in who you are… without all of the negative inner self talk.
What would happen? Maybe you’d…
✔ Speak up in situations you may otherwise stay quiet in
✔ Develop the courage to step outside your comfort zone
✔ Set healthy boundaries, and ensure that you (and others) are honoring them
✔ Move forward to pursue your dreams and goals
✔ Change negative thought patterns
✔ Overcome imposter syndrome and fear of failure

This e-course offers a coaching framework that helps you quit your imposter syndrome, and build your confidence at your own pace.
It was built by certified coaches and uses our proprietary method for building and developing confidence.
“[Ama La Vida] helped me see that the only limits were those that I was placing on myself. I’ve revolutionized my life and am living more authentically. Feels good to take ownership of my future!” – Kelly F.
“Working with Ama La Vida has been a wonderful experience. I loved how thoughtful the coaches are, the great tools and resources offered through the platform, and the great guidance and care I received while I was a member. ALV helped me navigate through some challenging professional challenges and I am so grateful to have had the support!” – Nicole B.
“Ama La Vida helped me quickly focus in on my goals and values. I loved the modules, especially the purpose module because it was reaffirming to me that I was on the right path going forward. I would absolutely recommend Ama La Vida for coaching, both personally and professionally.” – Amy M.
As soon as you sign-up, you’ll receive instant access to all of the following:
⚡ The Quit Your Imposter Syndrome online course. We’ve designed a comprehensive program to help you navigate building your confidence in 4 phases:
Phase 1: Exploring Your Gifts
We are trained from a young age to focus on what is wrong with us, rather than what is right. The truth is that people have several times more potential when they focus on their strengths rather than focusing on their shortcomings. During this phase, we use guided exercises to help you explore your unique talents and gifts so you can begin to lead from the core of who you are.
Phase 2: Doing Your Shadow Work
The inner critic inside can cause so much harm, and even put us in states of freeze where we don’t want to take any action steps forward. In this phase, you’ll identify your own patterns of insecurity and fear, and learn how to overcome those by replacing these beliefs and patterns with empowering thoughts.
Phase 3: Building Your Toolbox
This phase is all about teaching you how to build up your own personal toolbox of strategies that you can draw upon anytime you have that feeling of lack of confidence and self-doubt. Be equipped anytime you need so you don’t have to worry about go back to old harmful patterns.
Phase 4: Putting it all together
Finally, in the last phase, we put everything together. This is where you learn how to build healthy habits so you can stick to working these new skills, shifting your mindset and daily actions. As you integrate these new healthy habits into your lifestyle, you’ll begin to be able to address that inner critic right away, shifting limiting beliefs quicker so you can confidently lead a life you love.
📝 Training, worksheets and guides will walk you through each of the modules. It’s like your personal guide to help you through each phase.
💗 One-year access to everything so you don’t have to rush your process! Go back and redo any modules as you need, and take your time as you progress through each piece. In each module, you’ll also have access to videos from our very own confidence coach, who will lead you through a series of exercises to motivate you, challenge you to think in new ways and hold you accountable to build your confidence and self-esteem.
❤ Performing your best under pressure
❤ Influencing others
❤ Being a better leader
❤ Exuding positivity
❤ Increased self-worth
❤ Taking your career to the next level
(aka landing that promotion or dream job)
❤ Fewer negative thoughts
❤ Reducing in stress and anxiety
❤ Worrying less about what others think of you
❤ Gaining energy and motivation to take action
❤ Overall happiness

What makes Quit Your Imposter Syndrome eCourse different?
Ama La Vida takes a holistic view of your career. It’s not about just landing a job, this course is designed to help you find your dream career, with a long term view to your success and happiness.
We utilize proven coaching methodologies and have developed proprietary coaching curriculums in our eCoaching platform to support our clients and students.

⚡ The Quit Your Imposter Syndrome online course. We’ve designed a comprehensive program to help you navigate building your confidence in 4 phases:
1) Explore Your Gifts
2) Do Your Shadow Work
3) Build Your Toolbox
4) Put It All Together
(Value = $200)

📝 Trainings, worksheets and guides that will help walk you through each of the modules. It’s like your personal guide to help you through each phase. (Value = $49)
🙌 One-year access to everything so you don’t have to rush your process! Go back and re-watch any modules as you need, and take your time as you build your confidence and self-esteem. (Value = Priceless)
Total Value = $249
Today’s Price = $59
*Available to residents of the US and Canada only
Did someone say there’s a BONUS?!
In addition to the entire Quit Your Imposter Syndrome eCourse, we’re also giving you a special bonus to kickstart your confidence journey.

You’ll receive an all-access pass to our ALV Connect Community Slack channel for ongoing support. Ask questions, challenges, celebrations and shares come up, pop over to the group and get direct support from your peers and ALV coaches. This community is available to you as soon as you register. (Value = $119)
Who is Ama La Vida?
Ama La Vida is one of the world’s leading career, leadership, health and life coaching companies. We have a team of coaches throughout the country, and we serve clients all around the globe. We partner with corporations, universities and individuals to provide personalized coaching across our many areas of expertise.
We coach in a wide variety of environments and contexts, and we work with clients who are just starting their careers all the way to top CEOs. Though our clientele is quite diverse, we find there are some common themes among them.
We exist to help you on your ongoing journey to become the person you want to be and to enjoy life to its fullest. Our clients come from many walks of life, but the thing they have in common is a deep desire to “always be bettering” and to be surrounded by others who understand and support them in pursuing their passions and goals. Our coaches partner with you to bring clarity to those goals and to keep you accountable to the vision of life and work that you have for yourself.
We’ll see you inside the program!

We have answers.
Who is most successful with this course?
The more open and honest you are with yourself as you work through the content, the better off you’ll be! You’ll need to be brave in acknowledging your personal gifts (which is surprisingly hard for some people!), and also get honest about your priorities. This isn’t just about getting a quick fix, but integrating your confidence toolkit into your day-to-day.
How does this work? I’m not very techy.
Do not worry! Our online program is very user-friendly. Once you have your account, you’ll log in and complete the modules, which are as simple as reading, watching videos, doing some online journal-style reflections, and hitting “submit.” If you ever get stuck, our online Slack community is there to help!
Right now is a busy time for me, I’m worried I won’t have time!
There is no rush. You’ll have a full year to work through the program content at your own pace.
What are your success rates from people who complete the program?
The Quit Your Imposter Syndrome method is a framework that has been proven time and time again to work for our clients. However, you will absolutely get out what you put in. Some of our clients start to see shifts pretty quickly, while other can take much longer than that.
We are confident that if you take the time to work through the content openly and honestly, you will have clarity on your next step and confidence in moving forward toward achieving your goals.
How do I know I’m ready to take this course?
The beauty of this course is that it meets you where you are, and each time you go through it, you’ll get something new out of it.
Whether you feel completely overwhelmed by your lack of confidence, or are looking for a course that gives you that little extra boost you need, this course is designed to help you become your most confident and authentic self. Ready to embark on your journey?

This program is a perfect fit for you, if you…
- Feel your insecurities are getting in the way of your day-to-day life.
- Find yourself unable to make progress on your goals because you think you’re lacking something, but you don’t know what that something is…
- Are often finding yourself dealing with Imposter Syndrome?
- Put yourself down because the inner critic inside overwhelms you with negative self-talk.
- Love taking self-help classes, and understand the importance of investing in yourself.
Online Course Only
$59 for 1-year access
- Instant access to the Quit Your Imposter Syndrome eCoaching program
- Exclusive access to the ALV Connect Slack Channel
- Trainings, worksheets and guides that will help walk you through each of the modules.
Course + Coaching
$379 monthly for coaching, course included!
- Everything included in the Online Course Only package
- Remote 1:1 coaching sessions each month with your individually-matched coach to keep you on track, accountable, and moving forward
- Full access to the eCoaching program suite with more courses available to you
* Available to residents of the US and Canada only