Quarterly Manager Feedback Form Hi ! Thank you for taking the time to have regular performance conversations with your direct reports and to document the outcomes of these. This form will be sent to your direct report and to HR so that it is on record. Remember, this form does not take the place of a conversation and should be used to as a documentation process following your discussion with your direct report. Please reach out to HR with any questions or concerns! Your Name: Please select your direct report’s email address: andrea@alvcoaching.comelizabeth@alvcoaching.comjillian@alvcoaching.comjustice@alvcoaching.comlaura@alvcoaching.comlibby@alvcoaching.commelissas@alvcoaching.comsky@alvcoaching.comyovan@alvcoaching.comOther Please select your direct report's email address: Please give a high-level summary of the quarterly review meeting, including whether you think it indicated a positive or negative trend: When thinking about the core tasks of the role, has the employee met their responsibilities? Apart from the standard tasks of their role, what was the employee’s biggest contribution in the past quarter? Did the employee meet the goals that were set last quarter? If not, please share your thoughts on what could have been done differently: What feedback do you have for this employee? Do you think there are any areas this employee may excel in that they haven’t yet had the opportunity to explore? If so, please explain: Please share any relevant metrics that are under par, and what constructive feedback and/or resources you provided in order to improve them: What shifts would you like to see with this employee in the upcoming quarter? Lastly, please share any thoughts that don’t fit under the previous questions: If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ