Teach For America Intake Form TFA Charlotte-Piedmont Triad has partnered with Ama La Vida Coaching to support alumni like you in defining and executing your career trajectory and leadership game-plan. Each of you will have the opportunity to work in partnership with a certified coach to engage in 6 one-hour individual coaching sessions. Together you will clarify goals and define what a successful outcome of your coaching will look like. Coaches are there to support you as you navigate next steps in your career and to explore personal and professional beliefs and decisions that will help you move forward toward goals. The questions below will help us get to know you a bit better. Your responses will help us match you with a coach who is well aligned with your preferences. Thank you for a quick turnaround on this brief questionnaire. Name: * Email: * Phone Number: * Location: Time Zone: Preferred Coaching Time of Day * Early MorningsDuring Business HoursEveningsWeekends Your current employer: Your job title: My main coaching focus area is: * LifeCareerLeadership I would work best with a coach who is: Creative Firm Patient OtherOther I would prefer the coaching approach to be: * Very organized structured Loose and free-flowingA combinationOther <font color="black">I would prefer the coaching approach to be: Have you ever worked with a coach before? * YesNo Is there anything else we should have asked you? If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ