marketing | alv all newsletter submission
Have you set your "share" prefererences on the doc to "Anyone at Ama La Vida" or "Any with the link" so we can open it?

Here's how it works:

1. Record the video on your phone vertically. Bonus points for using a ring light or other lovely lighting.
>> Not sure how to light it well? Just face a window!

2. Fill in this script:

"In tomorrow’s newsletter I’m talking about XYZ. Make sure to sign up to get on the list!”

No need to talk about how they can sign up or where the link will be placed; we’ll add it differently on different platforms.

3. You can drop the video below or record it another time and reply-all to the confirmation email you get after hitting submit now. We'll be on the lookout for it since you said "yes!" to the question above.

4. Submit an extra Content Entry as Social Media for an additional $25!

Maximum file size: 52.43MB