Author: Ann Vu

some ideas to help you make the most of your senior year

If you’ve invested in your education by going to college, I bet you’re feeling some pressure by your senior year to have the career-defining results you hoped for.  As a senior, it’s likely that you are anxious to graduate and you’re questioning whether or not you’ve done everything you could to be ready for what […]

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If you’ve invested in your education by going to college, I bet you’re feeling some pressure to have the career-defining results you hoped for. After all, you’re probably wondering how to make the most of your senior year at college? As a senior, it’s likely that you are anxious to graduate. You are probably also questioning […]

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getting unstuck in your career with signs at a crossroads

Stuck. By definition means, unable to move, or set in a particular position, place, or way of thinking. We all know that feeling. That unmotivated, toxic, negative space where we feel drained as we figuratively run in place. We are innately built to grow and evolve, as a result, feeling STUCK serves as a sign […]

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Chase your dreams. All around us we see inspiration and advice to shoot for the moon and not hold back. So we go for it. But our dreams are difficult to achieve and they sometimes feel so far away. Enjoy the journey. If chasing our dreams wasn’t enough, now they tell us to enjoy the […]

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Ever get excited about an interview and then slip into a wave of nervousness about how you will do? You are not the only one. There is a lot of pressure knowing that you are a few interviews away from the job that you’re after. Here are 6 foolproof ways to prepare for an interview. […]

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