
Author: Melanie Pearce Hooper

It’s 4:59 pm, you’ve been watching the clock like a hawk, you’re exhausted, you’re irritable, and 5:00 pm couldn’t come soon enough so you can break out of the jail cell also known as your office. Or maybe you’re headed into work on Monday morning and you make a beeline to your office, hurriedly shut […]

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Have you just landed an interview for a killer job? Or are you currently in the job search process and hope to land that interview soon? Or are you considering a career change? If yes, then I highly encourage you to take some time to gauge company culture in an interview. Your happiness, within and […]

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I bet I can describe your relationship with LinkedIn: So, you once heard that LinkedIn was a great place to connect with other professionals. You may have even heard that you could job search on LinkedIn. You created that account, hurriedly put together your profile, and connected with a few folks, maybe checked out a […]

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Why is resume writing so hard?  What seems like a fairly straightforward part of the job search process can sometimes be the most difficult.  Have you ever found yourself with a major case of writer’s block when it comes to creating or updating your resume?  And why is it so much easier to help someone […]

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