
Author: Robbi Crawford

Woman sitting at desk thinking

Changing Careers When You Don’t Know What You Want Not knowing what job or career you want is typical. At some point in their life, most people find themselves at this crossroads, feeling stuck, discouraged, and saying, “I want to do something different, but I just don’t know what that is.” It’s OK to feel […]

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person working on computer

“Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.” Rumi When we find ourselves at a crossroads with no destination to load into our work-life GPS, it’s so easy to […]

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woman smiling wearing hat

Our thoughts, beliefs, and stories are part of our internal world, and it is we who allow them to stop us from acknowledging our natural brilliance, slow our forward momentum, suspend any efforts to achieve our goals, and generally keep us stuck. If we are to overcome our insecurities, raise our self-esteem, move forward with […]

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two woman looking at a computer screen

Before diving into some tips, let’s establish what self-confidence is. Simply put, it’s your perception of YOU – what you think and how you feel about the constellation of talents, skills, abilities, experiences, personality, etc. that are uniquely you. It includes a positive view of self, neither exaggerated or deflated, and a feeling of trust […]

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woman outside sitting on a rock journaling

“Sometimes we need to be brave enough to outgrow the life we’ve built.” Unknown Life is a series of challenges, opportunities, crossroads and realizations. We all navigate these daily. When it gets really painful, a critical juncture may call for a rebuild. We know we’re past that expiration date when we start to feel restless, […]

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