
Author: Tricia Gehl

Woman reflecting on career

Yes, you can leave a “good” job.  But I bet anytime you’ve expressed a desire to do so you’ve heard something to the tune of, “Oh, it would be a shame to leave such a cushy salary!” Or maybe it was, “Why would you willingly leave such a great company?!?” And then there’s my personal […]

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Woman talking to another woman near a window

“What I’d really love to do is X, but to do so I’d have to take a pay cut…so forget it” If I had $1 for every time I’ve heard that statement from a client, friend, or family member, I’d be typing this from a yacht in the South of France. Yes, there might be […]

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woman researching

So, you got the job. Hooray! Now you just need to do that job well and all your career dreams will come true. Right? Or maybe you’ve been in your role for a while, working hard and doing all the “right” things. It’s only a matter of time before you’re whisked away to the management […]

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