
Tag: self-confidence

three colleagues high fiving

“I got this.” Words of Wisdom from a 4-year-old When I thought about writing this post related to self-confidence, I kept racking my brain for famous quotes and words of advice from inspirational leaders. I then realized that the inspiration was living under my roof and under four feet tall. My 4-year old daughter has […]

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woman smiling in front of a wall of colorful heart shapes

“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we’ll ever do.” Brené Brown The most important relationship you’ll have in your life is the one you have with yourself. Think of all the relationships you encounter in your lifetime. Whether it be the one with a partner, your friends, […]

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two woman looking at a computer screen

Before diving into some tips, let’s establish what self-confidence is. Simply put, it’s your perception of YOU – what you think and how you feel about the constellation of talents, skills, abilities, experiences, personality, etc. that are uniquely you. It includes a positive view of self, neither exaggerated or deflated, and a feeling of trust […]

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