
And achieve all you set out to do

Okay, so before we start talking about fear, let's reflect a little on the concept of failure. Much of the fear that we feel when contemplating pursuing something is driven by the idea of failure. It is what haunts us and stops us from starting projects, testing ideas and chasing dreams.

Take some time to reflect on the concept of failure, and then answer the questions below.

Yep, been there! We are great at catastrophizing, aren't we?

Okay, so let's instead spend a bit of time on the positive. Think really carefully about how that set-back affected the rest of your life and check all of the things that apply below...

Oh no, sorry to hear that! Often we catastrophize consequences, and they actually end up being less severe than we imagined. Looks like that wasn't the case this time! Hopefully some positive came out of it too. Think really carefully about how that set-back affected the rest of your life, and check all of the boxes that apply below...