1210 Tiny TOM - Design Your New Year Manifesto
Welcome to Ama La Vida's New Year Manifesto Builder. This eCoaching experience will take roughly ten minutes for you to complete, and you will finish with a beautiful and powerful vision for your new year! Know that your answers are completely confidential, so ensure that you're open and honest with yourself.

Have fun and enjoy!

Imagine it is New Years Eve in 2018 and you are looking back at your year. Finish the below sentences:
Awesome! Now last but not least, think about one goal for 2018. Here at Ama La Vida, we set what we call EPIC goals. EPIC stands for:

Elevating: Inspiring and motivational
Practical: Reasonable and Achievable
Impactful: Powerful and Meaningful
Clear: Definable and Measurable

Think carefully about your goal for 2018, and when you are ready, write it below:
Great work on all of your brainstorming! In the next section, we are going to bring it all together and support you to arrive at a few key words and themes to live by in 2018.