Cover Letters

Welcome to the Ama La Vida Cover Letter program! We know the job search process can be tough, and cover letters are a tricky part. We are here to help you craft a compelling cover letter and help you land your new role as quickly as possible.

First you will complete the required “Welcome and Getting Started” activity. This will provide your specialist with the information they need to help provide meaningful and strategic feedback on your cover letter.  You will then complete your cover letter module which will send your specialist a draft to review. Your specialist will then review and provide feedback to help you improve and strengthen your cover letter. You’ll then be ready to send out your amazing cover letter and land your dream job!

At Ama La Vida, we take a unique approach. Rather than just taking your cover letter and giving it back to you full of red mark-ups, we also want to help you learn how to get your cover letter into the best shape possible.  This serves three purposes:

1. You’ll know how to do it for the future (chances are, this isn’t the last job you’ll ever apply for, and you will want to customize your cover letter for each role)
2. You can use the tips and insights to also update your LinkedIn and other online profiles
3. It ensures that the time our Specialist spends is as valuable as possible – taking your cover letter not just from “bad” to “good” but rather from “already good” to “rockstar-stand-out-always-gets-noticed”

To get started, click on “Welcome and Getting Started.”  If you have any questions or technical difficulties at any time, please contact us here.

Enjoy and cheers to a new and exciting job coming your way very soon!

– Your Amigos at ALV