Amp Up Your Productivity 0317 TOM ~ Amp up your productivity Name * Please select your coach's name below Select Coach Coach Not Assigned Yet Online CourseAdam Gierlach Aileen BidwillAme WadlerAudrey RielandBrooke McCordCait SwamyCarola KirwinCicely AndersonCindy PaineDan FeruckDan McGinnisDavid MolotskyDonia AllenEd KatoElliott DavisEric GoeresFarah KarimForam ShethGina RobinsonHayley DennisHillary BennettJana DayJennifer MaynardJohn ChristopherJohn RocciaKate SwigelsonKenzi JudgeKim JohnstonKristin SimonLasse PalomakiLaura McFaddenLauren BonheimLeslie PogueLibby MitchelettiLisa AllieMaddie DeamerMaggie BreitenbachNatalia TamburiniPeggy WuPeter SchuermanRobbi CrawfordRoberto RuizShari SantorielloSherry TrebesSophie LeroiStephanie BilodeauTara PermanTherese McGinnisTricia Gehl Welcome to our productivity eCoaching tool. As always, your answers are completely confidential so please dig deep and allow yourself to be open and honest. Productivity is an incredibly powerful skill to master. When we master productivity, we finish our work quicker, we get more done every day, and that helps us to feel happier and more accomplished. As we spoke about in the "Measure Your Productivity Tool" (if you haven't done it yet, you can do it here), being productive is not about being busy. In fact, using the right strategies to be productive and efficient can help make us feel less busy and can grant us more time to relax! This eCoaching tool will take roughly ten to fifteen minutes and is broken into two parts: 1) Reflection and exploration 2) Strategies and action steps You will finish this tool with: 1) A new awareness of what makes you most productive 2) A new awareness on what makes you least productive 3) New insights about what makes those around you productive or unproductive 4) 7 self-designed strategies to significantly improve your overall productivity 5) An accountability mechanism to keep you on track 6) Additional insightful productivity resources Before we get started, here is a great little on the science behind productivity. It is just three minutes and a great introduction to this tool. Do you think you could gain from any of these ideas? If so, keep them in mind for later on when you will be developing some of your own productivity-boosting strategies! But before we do, it is time for some deep reflection. When you are ready, answer the questions below: Think of a specific project or a time in your life when you were VERY productive. It could be something related to at home or at work. Think carefully about the details of this time or project and in the space below, list the key things that made you so productive: Now think of a time when you were incredibly unproductive. Perhaps it took you SO long to finish a project, or perhaps it was a time in your life when you felt like you just weren't getting anything done. Think carefully about what was happening at that time. What were the main reasons that you were so unproductive? Now think of someone you know that you admire and respect. Think about someone that accomplishes a LOT and makes you think "WOW, I just don't know how she/he does it!" Reflect upon what you know about this person, and in the space below, list why you think this person is so productive: Now think about someone you know who really struggles to get much done. Maybe you love this person immensely, but they are just never on time or doing what they said they would. What is it about this person that you think makes them so unproductive? If you are human, leave this field blank. Next Δ Next Module →