Carola Kirwin Headshot

M.Sc. Industrial and Organizational Psychology – University of Osnabrueck
ICF ACC Certified Coach
Leadership Circle 360 certified
MBSR teacher (Mindfulness-based stress reduction)
PHR Professional in Human Resources
Fluent in German

This is my story

Hello, I’m Carola! I’m a Leadership Coach, speaker, leadership trainer, and a mother of 2. If you are new to leadership, want to expand your leadership skills, or find your confidence and a way of leading with authenticity, I’m your coach.

Over the last 15+ years, I’ve personally walked a path of learning how to navigate having a high-achievement mindset, leading teams, and training people in leadership skills across a large number of organizations, from Fortune 50 to small businesses – all while recovering from burnout early on in my corporate career as a trainer and consultant.

The motivation for starting my journey as a coach stemmed from a deeply rooted drive to support others in finding their path, one that is sustainable. It brings me so much joy to see people around me thrive! This is why I chose training and development as a career, but the feeling of only scratching the surface as a leadership trainer grew stronger over the years.

Leaders who:
  • Seek support in developing their leadership skills, and building high-performing teams.
  • Seek assistance in refining their communication, navigating difficult conversations and providing feedback, delegation skills, and fostering a collaborative environment.
  • Want to feel confident in their abilities and leadership presence.
  • Seek to lead in authentic ways and feel aligned with their personal values.
  • Are looking to find a way through overwhelm, to a balance that feels sustainable and healthy.
  • Want to advance their careers within the organization.

My Coaching Approach

With a background in Organizational Psychology and Neuroscience, I use science-based approaches and interventions to support my clients in achieving their goals, paired with a deep understanding of leadership challenges and best practices.

My mission is to empower you wherever you are on your path and help you navigate the challenges of leadership. I begin by understanding your objectives, strengths, values, and areas for growth. From there, we develop a personalized roadmap and set measurable goals. Throughout the coaching journey, I provide guidance, resources, and tools to help you overcome obstacles and stay motivated.

My promise to you is that I will meet you with genuine care and curiosity, and with a fierce dedication to help you reach your goal. My coaching approach is rooted in collaboration, empathy, humor, and trust to drive change and transformation. I will be candid with my clients if I see an opportunity for growth. I might ask some hard questions, always coming from a place of care and in service of your goal. If you are looking for blanket advice or someone telling you what to do, I am not your coach. Instead, I will support you with new perspectives, and partner with you in finding your own path that feels true to you. If you are looking for a coaching relationship that is free of judgment, completely confidential, focused on your goals, and on propelling you forward in the direction you choose, I would be honored to work with you.