Associate Certified Coach (ACC), ICF Certified Executive, Leadership & Career Coach, Center for Executive Coaching Genos Emotional Intelligence Practitioner Profile XT Facilitator B.S. Accounting & Information Systems, DeVry University

This is my story

Welcome! I’m Hayley Dennis, Leadership & Career Coach and full-time empowerer at Ama La Vida. I am passionate about helping people discover and unleash their inner brilliance, and, in turn, positively impact their lives and those around them.

Throughout my 20+ years of working in corporate America, I have had some amazing managers and mentors push me to be the best version of myself. Even when I thought I had given all that I could, they encouraged and motivated me to go further. The results and benefits that I received from their mentorship and coaching has proved invaluable and shaped the woman I am today.

When I reflect back on my career, I remember my first day at my first corporate job. I was so terrified that I ate my lunch in the bathroom wellness room! After that day, I made a promise to myself to NEVER let fear hold me back. I also decided that it’s just fine to eat lunch at your desk! Fear of the unknown can cause us to stay stagnant and complacent. Facing our fears and pursuing our passions can open up doors and lead us down paths we never imagined.

My love for coaching began when I realized how much of an impactful tool it is in motivating you to push forward, get what you want, and lead others by example. I went to college for Accounting and Finance because I excelled at it and I knew those jobs would always be readily available. But ten years into it, I felt something was missing. I woke up one morning and thought, “I don’t think I can prepare one more balance sheet and department expense statement.” But what did I really want to do? All I knew was Accounting and Finance. When I truly examined my skill set I realized I was a fast learner and a quick thinker. These skills led me to the world of IT. My love for data, coding and business intelligence began. Seven years laters I am still working in my passion!

I share all this with you because I personally know what it’s like to start in an entry role position and work your way into leadership roles. I know what it’s like to wake up one day and truly want to pursue something new, but don’t know how to go about it. I know what it’s like to be afraid and not speak up in a meeting, even though you know the answer or the solution to the problem, because you may be the only woman in the room or feel you won’t be taken seriously. I could go on, but please know I feel your pain!

My experiences lit a fire within me and I was determined to help other people, just like me, to discover their true purpose and passion in order to live the life of their dreams! I’m so excited to join you on your journey of reaching and expanding your professional goals, and turning your career dreams into realities.

My Coaching Approach

My coaching style is inquisitive, warm, inviting and encouraging. My goal is to understand what your needs are and how we can work together to achieve your desired goals.

Everything that you build must have a solid foundation. Once this foundation is laid properly, you can continue to build your career success on it year after year. These four pillars (The Four C’s) are the foundation that we build your career success on.

1. CLARITY – Together we will get crystal clear on exactly where you are currently in your career, what your top goals are moving forward, and how to position yourself so as to reach these goals.

2. CONFIDENCE – We will work on building up your belief and faith in yourself and your ability to truly become the brilliant leader you are. This step in the process focuses on mindset and removing any mental blocks that are keeping you stuck. We will also focus on building mental and emotional strength so you can lead with authenticity, courage, and confidence.

3. CAPABILITY – We will focus on developing the attributes required for leading with compassion while performing at the highest level consistently and accomplishing your goals. We will look at every aspect of your role and find ways you can innovate new solutions, fill in current gaps, and strengthen your influence and presence. We will also help you to plan ways to establish and maintain genuine connections in your interpersonal relationships.

4. CULTIVATION – We will create a plan to maintain your high level performance and continued growth long term. We will set you up for success and give you the tools to carry out your role successfully on a continuous basis. We will also chart out future goals for your growth so you never become stagnant in your career. We desire lifetime career success for you and will work with you every step of the way to help you develop the confidence and capabilities to do so.

Together we create your individualized approach made specifically for your personality, lifestyle, and position. Let the fun begin!

What my clients say

Hayley is an excellent executive coach. She asks questions that are very thought provoking and helps you to think deeper about the issue being discussed. She does a great job of helping you set goals and is a great accountability partner. She has helped me work though issues and go beyond what I thought I could. I’d highly recommend Hayley if you want to work on your challenging issues and move your leadership to the next level. – Carol

Hayley helped me set a clear career path by specifying my goals, listing opportunities/ideas, and co-creating a plan to pursue them in the order that worked best for me. I always wanted to step out and be an entrepreneur and she helped me construct a plan that started me on my way to freedom. She helped calm my fears and apprehension and step into confidence, which has really affected everything that I do now in my life. – Kyra

I am privileged to know Hayley Dennis as an excellent executive coach, communicator, and human being. Hayley’s intelligent approach to coaching always draws out the best in her clients. She sets high goals for herself and helps her clients reach for the stars as well. I give her my highest recommendation – Pam

Hayley is very self-motivated and a leader. She uses these qualities to help motivate others to reach their maximum potential. She is an amazing listener and is aware of individuals in her surroundings and has the ability to focus on their energy and extract what’s truly important. When we started coaching, I was stuck in a career that was unfulfilling and I felt like I had reached my ceiling. After a few sessions, I had a new plan of what career I wanted to pursue and after a few more sessions, I landed a management position! I highly recommend her if you want to work with a wonderful coach who will help you discover just how fabulous you are and what your potential can be. – Kathy