Coach Kim Johnston Headshot

Professional Certified Coach (PCC), International Coaching Federation
Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Leadership
Chief People Officer
20+ years in leadership working for Fortune 500 Companies
A decade in Leadership at Starbucks
Mom to one human, one cat and one dog
Lover of nature and the outdoors

This is my story

Hi, I’m Kim and I’m a Leadership, Career and Life Coach with Ama La Vida.

I work with people who are in transition and who want to make big changes. Whether you’re just starting out or starting over, taking the plunge to make a big career pivot, finding a way to get into the fast lane at work, or simply discovering your passion and purpose – I’m your coach.

I have spent the past 20 years starting from an hourly retail job and growing all the way into the C-suite, serving in leadership roles for Fortune 500 companies, including almost a decade in leadership at Starbucks. I may not have seen it all yet, but I have seen a LOT and it makes me the perfect partner to have as your coach on the sidelines, helping you navigate the nebulous world that is corporate America (and life).

I live for shaking things up and helping you achieve goals that thus far have only been ideas or dreams. What you want out of life and career is in fact possible. I know this because I’ve done it myself and I have helped many others.

I Serve

People who:
  • Are stuck and don’t want to be
  • Wish to discover their purpose and passions and find a way to integrate them with their work life
  • Are seeking a fast track for career progression and growth
  • Want to become the best version of themselves and unlock their personal and professional potential
Professionals who:
  • Want to define or redefine their leadership to have more impact
  • Are working to determine their next move and long-term plans

My Coaching Approach

My coaching style is warm, open, collaborative, and fun. I believe in getting stuff done, but there is no rule saying we can’t fully enjoy the journey. And while I do pride myself in being tons of fun to work with, I also bring an element of intensity to our partnership which helps you get traction. You can expect me to challenge you, to notice and share when I see unhelpful patterns or self-limiting thoughts and beliefs, or when I can just tell you have more to give. I will ask you the question you were hoping no one would ask, and I’ll celebrate with you at every victory along the way, big or small.

Grounded in mindfulness, self-awareness, and decisive and inspired action, my methodology will help you to become consciously aware of what you want, craft a plan of action, and sustainably achieve your goals.

What my clients say

“Kim has helped me completely re-engineer not only my career but my life as well. When I first met with her, I was at the top of my game in the job I had been working toward all my career, yet I felt empty inside. She helped me get real with what I truly wanted versus what I thought I was supposed to want. Then we worked on short and long term goals and a step-by-step transition plan. I am happy to say I am now in a totally different role and loving it. It was not an easy shift, but I felt supported and that I had someone who was as invested in my success as I was. Kim is a skillful coach and mentor and I don’t think I would have found this path or moved as quickly as I did without her help.” – Megan A. (Amazon)

“I worked with Kim to overcome some issues with confidence. I have always been a pretty confident person, but when I was promoted last year something shifted and I struggled with communication and presence. She was very creative with the exercises and practice sessions. Along the way I learned what the root causes were for this and was able to strengthen confidence as I worked through them. I have since been promoted again and I will use the skills I learned for the rest of my career.” – Scott P.