Kristi Leonard Headshot

PCC Certified Coach, International Coach Federation
Board-Certified Coach, Center for Credentialing and Education
Master of Business Administration, University of Texas, Austin
Bachelor of Science, Texas A&M University
Sky-diving, Scuba-Diving, Private Pilot (VFR) Certifications
Former triathlete and Div1 runner, now enjoys sculling/biking/hiking

This is my story

I’m Coach Kristi, and I work with clients who want to rediscover their enthusiasm and live a life of purpose. Many of my clients are high achievers, and feel a strong desire to engage in their lives and careers differently, to find “flow” in their lives, better balance, more meaning, or to achieve greater impact in careers they believe in and feel called to.

If you are in the middle of big transition – leading a team, shifting to a new career or role, newly parenting, or newly empty nesting – an experienced coach can help you get back “in the zone” … which can be so rewarding!

I’ve worked with clients who dream big, write their vision, and design a way to get there, starting with one small step. Along the way, I ask open-ended questions, and offer the “scaffolding” and structure you need to move forward with confidence.

Before coaching, I applied my MBA to a 15-year career at Dell and Procter & Gamble, before joining Illumination/Radius Global market research. Traveling the country facilitating and moderating thousands of market research focus groups for 7 years showed me that I was hooked on hearing people’s stories! I’ve led workshops in Finding Your Purpose, Narrative Coaching, Group Coaching, Empathy training, Small Group Leader training, Quieting the Busy Mind, Productivity, Team-Building, and Prayer.

I’ve grown so much in these past five years becoming a PCC coach, as well as through 10 moves to 6 different states and two countries. I have enjoyed raising three wonderful kids with my husband, and finding community and purpose in the moments along the way. My coaching will meet you where you are – and it would be my pleasure to walk your journey with you.

I Serve

Professionals who…
  • Enjoy using proven coaching frameworks to achieve results in their career.
  • Want to re-define their purpose or explore their personal narrative.
  • Appreciate an experienced leader who can motivate action.
People who…
  • Crave direction and focus, and want to refocus their time and energy.
  • Prefer a coach with an analytical background, who can ask direct questions – but always in a positive, encouraging way.
  • Need a coach to help them achieve better productivity, or to help them calm or organize their calendar and life.
Leaders who…
  • Desire a more balanced approach to success in their lives.
  • Want to feel confident in their abilities to pursue their passions/goals.
  • Have many topics to discuss and don’t always know where to start.

My Coaching Approach

The heart of coaching for me is to offer others the support I’ve received as I’ve navigated the ups and downs, twists and turns, in my life and career.

Deep listening is the core of my approach. And I have endless curiosity, which leads to stories, which in turn leads to connection and builds trust. I love brainstorming new approaches with clients who feel stuck.

I will always celebrate your progress and milestones along the way. Don’t be surprised if your small steps forward give you so much energy that you want to overhaul other areas too – like your exercise regimen, decluttering your home, or reconnecting with friendships that are important to you. Your life is interconnected, and my approach is to coach the whole person.

What my clients say

“My work with my Ama La Vida coach, Kristi Leonard, has changed my life, for the better, forever. Kristi supported me in finding the belief in myself and the confidence I needed to seek and find the work-life balance that I didn’t even know I needed. The results of my work with Kristi are nothing short of miraculous. I would recommend Ama La Vida without reservation. Take a chance! Create the life you want and need. It is within your reach.” – Sharon H.

“Kristi has been truly AMAZING! I am so grateful for my time with her. She has helped me work through a lot of personal awareness during a challenging time.” – Christen Z.

“These two words don’t seem like enough, Kristi, but THANK YOU for preparing me for this process. I gained so much insight and confidence from our sessions that I know I will carry with me for years to come. You helped me identify my values and the career direction that I want after teaching, and you gave me the tools to pursue it. I cannot believe where I stand today. I believe God had His hand in this from the start– from the moment we were matched– and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the ways you are using your God-given gifts to serve people like me.” – Madie A.

“When I started working with Kristi, I was overwhelmed with all of the paths I could take in my career. Kristi helped ground me to my values and ensured that they were aligned to every job I applied to and interviewed for. Working with Kristi was a game changer for me! She helped me bring my confidence to the forefront, and was always sure to empower me to follow what felt right. In the process, I ended up getting a job at Google! Kristi was beyond critical when it came to helping me prepare for interviews, as well as negotiate my salary! I found that her services and coaching was and will remain invaluable to me in my career!” – Erin P.

“I really appreciate Kristi’s positive and relatable personality, and how she fosters creativity and grace towards her clients to help them succeed at their own pace even when life gets a little bumpy.” – Lola O.

“I joined ALV at a vulnerable time of life and my coach Kristi was so supportive and honed in on my need for more joy in my life and immediately got to work with me about how to create that.” – Rosalind K.

“I have been grateful for your support during the last few months. Your coaching has been a great combination of nurturing support and challenging work, and has taught me so much! Believe it or not, much of what you do would work well in a classroom setting—something I’ll be excited to apply to my next role. Thank you for being so encouraging, valuing me as a whole human being, and always ensuring that our sessions are comfortable. I was definitely feeling overwhelmed as I looked ahead to what was next for us, but having you to walk alongside me through the process made all the difference. I can’t wait to share with you the amazing opportunities I’ll get to take part in as I start this new role… and perhaps sharing baby pictures soon, too. 🙂 All the best to you and yours! I look forward to seeing you again soon.” – Ryan

“My experience at Ama La Vida has been life changing! My career coach Kristi was so patient and involved in my personal growth and being as this was my first experience with a career counselor, I was blown away at the professionalism and personal attention. I went from not knowing what I wanted to do for my career to working in an industry that I love and find endlessly exciting! I would highly recommend Ama La Vida to anyone who is struggling to see through the muck of finding themselves and a career path during times. 10 out of 10!” – David V.

“Kristi and I clicked automatically. Kristi not only helped me find myself, but she also helped me hone in on my talents and desires, and helped me to clarify my goals. She understood EVERYTHING I said and was kind, caring, compassionate and so well-informed on myriad subjects. I trusted her immediately and knew if anyone was going to get me out of my rut, it was going to be Kristi. There was hard work involved, but after every single meeting, I felt a sense of hope and excitement I had long forgotten. All that matters to me now is I am back to the old me…no, I am a better version of myself, the best I have ever been, thanks to Kristi!” – Nicole M.

“Kristi’s enthusiasm for coaching me during my career change was contagious. Her kindness, positivity, and encouragement helped me move forward with confidence and ease. Kristi was always full of ideas and suggestions. Each session left me energized and believing I could meet the goals we set. I attribute much of my success to her, and I highly recommend Kristi as a life & career coach.” – Debbie L.

“Kristi Leonard was born to be a life coach. She is empathetic, kind and an easy conversationalist. More importantly, she is an amazing listener who keeps everything you’ve said in her head and is able to pull it back out at the most important times to remind you (gently) of what you previously said. Before I met with Kristi, I was nervous about seeing a life coach because I wasn’t sure exactly what I needed. I was afraid that a life coach would be bossy. Not Kristi! She adjusted her style to work with mine seamlessly and, before I knew it, she had helped me map out what I needed most. She pushed me when I needed it and stepped back when I needed a listening ear. I would highly recommend Kristi to anyone who needs not only a sounding board, but a coach and mentor. I trust her guidance and judgement and would recommend her to anyone who is looking for coaching on career, health, relationships, family life or life balance. I’d give her 6 stars if the rating allowed!” – Marya Howell ’91, Director, Alumni and Family Engagement, Davidson College

“When I started working with Kristi, I didn’t know what a life coach was, and I wasn’t sure I needed one! But I had just started the biggest project of my life, the writing of an epic story, a memoir of sorts. Little did I know, Kristi’s guidance was exactly what I needed. Kristi has a keen ability to connect the dots, keep my eye on the ball. Her perspective, and especially her ability to put into words what is seemingly just out of reach—all of this has helped to propel me forward! That everyone should be so lucky to have a guide such as Kristi.” – Leslie Keller, author

“Kristi, keep doing what you’re doing! It was a wonderful, eye-opening experience to write my Purpose statement after going through the process with you.” “Kristi’s passion is contagious! I’m so thankful for the opportunity to work with her in this capacity. Helping people and watching them grow is her strength.” – DP

“As a person who knows myself fairly well, each test and exercise (in the purpose work) was not a surprise. But when you put all the info together, the story becomes more complete.” “Kristi is an amazing coach. Her excitement at discovering my God-given talents and gifts was contagious. She truly feels joy when helping others unpack their purpose (like watching your child open a special Christmas present.)” – JB

“Kristi has a gift to be able to listen and observe, then understand and assimilate the strengths and gifts you might not already realize are within you.” – KP

“Wow – Kristi allows space… space to really hear what a person is saying. She is caring and intuitive, offering valuable direction and reflection.” – TC