Career and Lifestyle Coach Libby Micheletti

Certified Professional Coach, iPEC (Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching)
MBA, Marketing (Loyola University of Chicago)
BBA, Marketing and Theology (Loyola University of Chicago)
Registered Yoga Teacher (CorePower Yoga)

This is my story

Hello! I’m Libby Micheletti, and I’m a Career and Lifestyle Coach with Ama La Vida.

So nice to (almost) meet you! I’m so fortunate to meet and work with the people I do in my coaching practice. All of you are such bright, brilliant, visionary humans, there is nothing I love more than supporting you in realizing it, getting clear on what you want, taking steps into your own journey.

But this wasn’t always my path. When I was 26 I was working at an ad agency and deeply unhappy with the direction my life was moving. I felt stuck and confused and more than a bit lost. I was working 80+ hour weeks at a job I didn’t enjoy. I wasn’t making very much money. And I didn’t want to spend my whole life only living in one city. So I decided to quit my job and move to Seattle, where I’d never been and knew no one.

Over the course of my time in Seattle, I continued working in advertising with some of the top Fortune 500 companies but still wasn’t happy. I began teaching yoga outside work, and through that study, the way I perceived my life and the world around me began to shift. It became clear to me that our mindset has a great impact on how we experience life and the choices we make.

I wanted to bring this empowerment to other young professionals. Life might not be easy, but it doesn’t have to be so hard. I found the top coaching certification program through the International Coaching Federation and signed up. Becoming a coach is one of the best choices I’ve ever made for myself. I love supporting professionals as they grow and evolve and watching the choices they make for themselves.

Outside of coaching, I am also Ama La Vida’s Director of Marketing, and still teach yoga several times a week. I believe everyone can find balance and joy in his or her life, and this is deeply rooted in finding your personal passions and making time and space for them. Our work together will help you create a life you love.

My Coaching Approach

I see my role as your coach as primarily to help you get clear on what you truly want and then support you in creating your path to get there. We’ll start out with some quick assessments and intake forms to get a sense of where you’re at in your career and life, what’s important to you, and what your goals are. From there, we’ll do a deep dive into what’s been stopping you, why haven’t you made the progress you’d like to make. From there, we’ll get practical about goals and your path forward. This process is usually iterative! We start, make some progress, then reassess as you gather more information about yourself, and adjust accordingly.

Working with me, you can expect to address:

  • Values
  • Visualization
  • Self-care
  • Balance
  • Energy optimization
  • Stress reduction and management
  • Limiting beliefs
  • Fears
  • Self-worth and value
  • Goal setting processes and practices

While we will work through these topics, I also like to leave space for free-flowing sessions on your own personal topics so that we can customize and address what are the most pertinent topics and issues for you. Our work together is all in service of helping you create a life you truly love.


“This is a great program that provides great framework and great mentors. I worked with Libby and she was amazing! We laid out from the get-go what would work best for me and she knocked it out of the park. By our second session, it’s like she knew me and what makes me tick for years. She provides no-nonsense (by design) feedback that really helped shape the process and where to go next. This is a good program on its own, but Libby made it a must-do for me and I would recommend her to anyone looking for a career shift or change.”

“Libby was great to work with. She had really insightful thoughts and did a great job of helping me to think about things in a different way. She knew when questions she asked would be challenging for me, and she helped me to work through those challenges to get to something meaningful.”

“I am so glad I decided to go through the program with Libby! I would consider myself generally “self aware” and open to talking about things, but through the process I was able to dig a little deeper and really think about why I feel or react in a certain way – leading me to notice the root of the issue rather than its effects. My favorite part was learning about the different energy levels. I realized how much my “Level 4″ energy was showing up in my life, how it was good, but also how it can drain me emotionally. Libby and I strategized about how to tap into higher energy levels and separate my feelings a little bit from my need to care for others. One of my main goals was to be more present in my daily life and feel at peace and I definitely think that I was able to move towards this over the months of meetings. I am excited to continue to grow and see what the future holds!”

“Libby was an amazing coach to work with. I came to Ama La Vida with a good idea of where I wanted to go professionally but was struggling to get there. On top of the great resources that the full ALV team provide, working with Libby helped me drill down on the type of mindset I needed to have that would allow me to face and overcome these struggles. I can’t think of a better coach or advocate to have in your corner than her. She is commiserating but challenging, empathetic but forward-thinking. I truly value the time we spent together, and I can’t recommend her as a coach and resource highly enough.”