Maddie Deamer Headshot

Bachelor of Business Administration, Loyola Marymount University
Certified Coach
Insights Discovery Certified Facilitator
Positive Intelligence Certification
Instructional Design (ATD) Certification
IC Agile Certified Professional

This is my story

Hi, I’m Maddie! I became a coach while I was working in talent development at Eventbrite. I led global employee programs for coaching, onboarding, and leadership development, as well as DEI, culture, engagement, performance, and remote work. At the beginning of 2023, I started my own coaching business focused on helping leaders transition into new roles in a purposeful way.

Prior to pivoting my career into coaching and talent development, I spent many years as a customer success manager. Although I enjoyed aspects of supporting the success of customers, I felt at a visceral level I wasn’t in the right job to amplify my talent for developing and empowering others. Operating outside of my passions and natural abilities left me feeling disconnected and unfulfilled. I knew I wasn’t living my purpose but I was stuck.

I had always been intrigued and inspired by my dad’s career as an executive coach and dreamed of following in his footsteps. I determined that a career in learning & development is where I could thrive, but I didn’t think I had the right experience. My imposter syndrome was creeping in before I knew what to call it. But with the help of a coach, I was able to come up with a plan, identify my transferable skills and strengths, and boost my confidence. I was tenacious because I knew I could learn quickly and be successful, and most of all my heart was in it. Advocating for myself and persevering through uncertainty and discomfort, led me to be ready when the opportunity finally came.

Years later I made another career transition from the corporate world to the world of entrepreneurship and self-employment as a full-time coach. The influential coaching I received during this time contributed to my unwavering belief in myself and courage to pursue my dreams. Both of these career shifts were powerful times of growth in my life and I’m grateful that I had coaches to support me.

I love coaching people that are at an inflection point in their careers. Together we come up with a plan to conquer their negative self-talk and leverage their strengths by setting actionable goals to enable their success and happiness. I’ve designed and led many behavior-changing programs and have coached individuals and leaders all around the world at various stages in their careers.

As a coach, I leverage my experience navigating my own career changes and overcoming obstacles like limiting beliefs, imposter syndrome, and identifying my own values and purpose to empathize with those experiencing similar challenges in times of transition. My career path has been far from linear. But if you have a goal in mind, and if you point your compass north you’ll go north. My job is to be the compass, to help you stay on your path to a fulfilling career.

I Serve:

Leaders who…
  • Are new to people management
  • Are executives who desire to continuously grow as leaders
  • Want to transform from being a great manager to being a great leader
  • Want to increase engagement and performance on their teams
  • Want to create a more equitable and inclusive culture
  • Want to work on active listening and building trust
  • Want to learn how to coach, inspire and empower others
  • Want to work on holding themselves and others accountable
  • Want to learn tools for giving and receiving feedback
Professionals who…
  • Are exploring a career transition and want to be more proactive
  • Are wanting to get clear on their vision and goals for their career
  • Are starting a new role and want to set themselves up for success
  • Are aspiring leaders and want to identify their transferable skills and skill gaps
People who…
  • Are struggling with imposter syndrome, confidence, people-pleasing, or perfectionism
  • Want to overcome their negative self-talk and develop a growth mindset
  • Want to better leverage their strengths and tap into their values and passions
  • Want to be more self-aware, emotionally intelligent, and resilient
  • Want to better manage their time, stress, boundaries, and burnout for better work/life balance
  • Want to strengthen their relationships and learn tools for conflict resolution and difficult conversations

My Coaching Approach

I love seeing others grow into the best version of themselves. I am passionate about empowering and enabling people to overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential. I believe that everyone has the power to create the career and life they want.

My coaching approach is intuitive, empathetic, and action-oriented. Psychological safety is of the utmost importance to me so my clients feel they can be vulnerable without fear of judgment. I’m a curious, adaptable, positive, and present ally.

I’m detail-oriented and analyze information quickly. I’ll take and share detailed notes and will support you in solidifying learnings by sharing relevant resources and tools. I will hold you accountable for actions you commit to for your growth. I’m also certified in Insights Discovery and Positive Intelligence and enjoy leveraging these assessments to uncover blind spots.

What my clients say

“Maddie is unbelievably wise, present, and can hold space for so many things–she just “gets it” when it comes to the complicated nuances of interpersonal interaction and relationships. Her insights have helped me grow immensely, and I am so grateful for her coaching. She is particularly great at helping guide others to see what they can’t see about themselves — what is unconscious or outside of awareness–without making them feel bad about the things they can’t see. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and being an example for acting with awareness and intention, Maddie!” – Leader at Eventbrite

“As I look at the progression of my career, I consider the 6 months I worked with Maddie one of the most important times in my life. At the time, I was leaving a leadership position at a technology startup and had a baby on the way. I couldn’t have been more overwhelmed or confused about my professional future. I worked with Maddie to map out what was important to me in my next role, what my personal and professional goals were, and create a plan to help me get there. I can’t say enough about what Maddie brings to the table for anyone transitioning into a new role, a new company, or a new scope of responsibilities.” – Mike Q, Leader at Square

“Maddie has been an integral part of my three-year transition from the corporate tech industry, to graduate school, and into my new career as a clinical Speech Pathologist. Maddie served as my coach throughout the process and provided me with tools to confidently make the transition and prepare for the next step in my career. Specifically, she supported me in taking each step in the transition in stride and staying present and optimistic throughout the process. Maddie creates a safe space to open up, and our conversations left me feeling a huge weight off my chest. She gave me confidence in my abilities to overcome each challenge and consistently followed through with check-ins and additional support. Maddie helped me to become more self-aware of my thinking patterns and helped me to realize the assumptions that I was making about some professional and personal relationships that were getting in the way of my own success. If you have not had the chance yet to meet or work with Maddie, I highly encourage you to connect and see how she can support you and your personal and professional goals. She is a wealth of knowledge, a diligent hard worker, and overall a very warm and kind person that you will be grateful to have as part of your team.” – Erin K, Speech Language Pathologist

“Ama La Vida helped me break down the nebulous “what do I want” feeling so that I better understood my goals. I was able to find a new job and restore my own self-confidence.” – Katrina S.

“Maddie is an incredibly thoughtful, kind, and dedicated coach. As a recent graduate, I was lost about what I wanted to do in life and how to get somewhere in the working world. I was forcing myself into rigid thinking about what I should do, and I was also feeling uninspired about the options available to me. Maddie helped me see things in a new way by identifying my core values and passions, and mapping out possible career paths that align with those parts of myself. I immediately felt motivated and inspired again upon my first session with her. During my time with her, I also landed my first full-time corporate job. Maddie helped me see how the skills I’m learning at this job reflect the passions and values we discussed, and how I can use these skills in the future. If you’re on the fence about working with a career coach, don’t be. Maddie is the real deal, and I would highly recommend working with her. She listens carefully, takes detailed notes of your sessions, holds you accountable, and does it all with empathy. Thank you Maddie!” -Lia F