Melissa Kalil Headshot

Associate certified coach (ACC), International Coaching Federation
Neuro Linguistic Practitioner, Thriving Coach Academy Certified
Evidence based parenting, Mental Health Academy Certified
Certified Divorce Specialist
Master in Healthcare Administration, UNC Chapel Hill
Bachelor of Science, UNC Chapel Hill

This is my story

Hi! My name is Melissa and coaching is what I never knew I needed, so much so that I have built a career bringing its transformational power to others. Transitions have been the story of my life, you name it, I have been through it! Immigration, career, numerous domestic moves, parenthood, career re-entry, divorce, single-parenthood, and, most recently, graduate school during midlife. For the longest time, I would dread change, so afraid of missing out, that I completely overlooked what lay ahead.  After learning how to manage my mind, I began to embrace change with curiosity and excitement, and now show clients how to do the same. Whether you are looking to transform your job into a career, your career into a calling, or perhaps revamp your life’s purpose in the midst of a divorce, my mission is to help you find meaning and build resilience along the way. 

Outside of Ama La Vida, I am a busy single mom to three young girls who, like it or not, are the guinea pigs for the various personal development and mental health approaches I pick up along the way. I am happy when reading or learning and am currently pursuing a second masters in clinical mental health counseling. Born and raised in South Africa, I am an African wildlife fanatic and truly at peace when back home in the wild. 

My Coaching Approach

My clients experience growth by pairing mindset shifts with productive action. With a background in science and mental health, clients can expect some psychoeducation and neuroscience along the way.  While clients work hard during and between sessions, I am a firm believer in moderation and this extends to my coach approach as well. While I challenge and hold individuals accountable, I work best in a warm environment with plenty of humor along the way. No one said change is easy, and therefore I believe in having fun while we get there!

Who I serve

Individuals seeking life coaching around:
  • Transitions: relocation, parenthood, divorce
  • Mindset
  • Resilience
  • Relationships
  • Parenting
  • Confidence
Individuals seeking career coaching:
  • Career transitions/pivots
  • Career reentry
  • Decision making
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Entrepreneurship

What my clients say

“Brought me back to my passion — supporting people in their ability to communicate and make connections.” – Annie M.