Certified Professional Career Coach, Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches
Certified Life Coach, Lifeworks School of Coaching
Masters in Sociology, concentration in Education, Religion, and Work
Bachelors in Sociology, concentration in Diversity and Conflict Management

This is my story

Hi! Robbi here, I’m a Life and Career Specialist with Ama La Vida. I’ve contributed in six states across multiple sectors  – corporate, academia, nonprofit and business owner – in tens of positions within the wacky world of work. I’ve conducted extensive research, career advised hundreds of professionals and students of all ages, and completed hundreds of interviews on the topic of work life satisfaction and job structure. In addition to my coaching certification, I’ve also completed a number of other certifications related to human and spiritual development.

A drastic shift in my world and self views at the crossroads of quarter life nudged me into years of personal and professional self-exploration and discovery. Trekking through abandonment, loss, discrimination, failure, recovery, success and transformation, I emerged a champion of choosing “just right” work that aligns with a “whole body hell yeah” lifestyle.

This is why my work is fueled by a belief that we are schooled, counseled and often frightened into believing that a successful transition into and through the world of work is primarily determined by external factors – social, cultural, political and economic, which minimizes or excludes factors that may have an even deeper individual impact – biological, psychological, spiritual and environmental. My holistic worklife design approach begins with and builds upon this latter set of factors. 

I’ve since launched my own coaching business, left academia, partnered with a non profit to coach youth experiencing foster care and homelessness, served as an area director for the largest and most successful business networking organization and became a certified Zumba instructor. On the fun side, I’m a film fanatic, spirited fiber artist and a forever Zumba enthusiast. My cutie patootie hubby, a seasoned software engineer in the entertainment biz, and I have designed a life of joy, meaning, fulfillment and contribution that we vigilantly guard to this day. Now, I get to partner with and support you while you discover your “just right” work and design your “whole body hell yeah” lifestyle. Part of living my best life is helping you claim and live yours!

My Coaching Approach

I believe a successful coaching partnership begins with mutual respect and curiosity. My approach is holistic, as all aspects of our lives are integrated and can pointedly reveal what’s working or not working in the others. My intention is to actively listen and honor your story, meet you where you are, ask thought-provoking questions and together identify potential obstacles and opportunities. Then, you’ll set your GPS and we’ll roll up our sleeves and get busy uncovering your “just right” solutions.

As we move through this process, we’ll discuss questions like: What is your work print™? What drives your decision making process? What are you willing to let go to change your lifestyle/work life? What are you not willing to let go to change your lifestyle/work life? What will your new lifestyle/work life look and feel like? and so much more.

Although my primary approach includes targeted discussions, I stand ready to suggest and guide you through a variety of proven tools, techniques and/or strategies to help you identify and dissolve blindspots, overcome obstacles and establish a path to success on your terms. Let’s get started!

What my clients say

“Robbi was FANTASTIC to work with. When I first started, I was at a job in an industry I hated. I had no idea what to do about it either. Robbi was able to figure out who I am, understand what’s important to me, and then help me figure out what I truly enjoy. I am very grateful for her help and support. She is amazing at her job and her experience is very rich. I would highly recommend her to anyone needing guidance to find true happiness, purpose, and understanding.” – Tim R.

“Ama La Vida has provided me excellent support in determining the next steps in my life and helping me to move forward. If I hit another stumbling block I will be back for more coaching!” – Patricia A M.

“Robbi was fantastic and helped me determine what was important so I could move out of position that I was really unhappy in and was able to guide me in a different direction based on my strengths.” – Elizabeth H.

“I was feeling stuck when I started working with Robbi and she helped me to reframe my problems and see that the answers were easier to attain than I originally thought. She was patient and caring, but also willing to call me out when I very much needed it. Mostly she felt invested in my outcomes and wanted to do the work to get me there.” – Dan S.

“Robbi Crawford has been an excellent coach. Supportive, encouraging, insightful, and caring, Robbi took an experience that is inherently confusing and daunting and turned it into something we could handle. You always felt like you had someone in your corner who’s not afraid to tell it like it is, but also who supported you in whatever you decide to do with that epiphany. I’m appreciative to have had Robbi in my corner while trying to figure it all out. Thank you again.” – Blair M.

“I loved working with Robbi. She listened to me, challenged me and made me feel supported. I really enjoyed working with her. She is excellent.” – Alexa F.

“Robbie and the team at Ama La Vida helped me to find new direction in my life. She got me unstuck and able to dream about a new career path that was a logical growth from my previous experiences. My resume sessions with Brooke were challenging yet very fruitful, and I learned a lot and felt so supported every step of the way. I am very grateful for my time with this resource!” – Jeremy O.

“This program helped give me the space to reflect on what is truly important to me in my professional life and Robbi gave me the space to express where I am at, and she met me where I was. She saw me and heard me in every aspect and for that I am very grateful. I am feeling more confident and powerful on my own personal journey now that I have found the clarity I needed.” -Ali Og.

“Robbi is an amazing coach! In just 6 sessions Robbi took me from good to great! I was given action steps and a summary after every session. There was always a resource for an area I wanted to grow in. Robbi is knowledgeable about so much and you can tell she loves this work! I can’t wait to connect with Robbi again!” – Jasmine W.

“I got the job! I’m feeling grateful for the opportunity to get back into the workforce, for my references, and for you! Yes, you, for helping me get this far. Thank you, Robbi, for your approach and your ability to get me to consider and embrace new ways of thinking and for pushing me, in the most supportive way, to formalize a plan for my immediate future. I’m also feeling calm and centered, but most of all I’m looking forward to seeing my job as a supporting role in my life (which is a new approach for me.) I’m also thinking ahead about researching classes that can help fill gaps in my knowledge at work. And also thinking about this job in 2-3 year chunks because I’ve not lost sight of my passion for the arts. Lastly, I want to add that something you shared with me about intentions was very powerful. You encouraged me to set an intention for a date by which I wanted to start working. I told myself I would have a job offer by July 1st and I got one in mid-July which is pretty darn close. Getting intentional makes all the difference! Thanks again :)”
– Elisa

“Robbi inspired me throughout my journey of figuring out my path in my career transition and giving me the confidence I needed to stand behind myself and not fear the unknown but to confront and take the necessary steps in the process.

Robbie was empathetic to how I felt about career topics discussed in our coaching sessions but also understood what would be beneficial to me in my progress, as well as what approach plan for me to take before each session.

Her support, guidance, and pep talks helped me know I could do this! I couldn’t have asked for a better coach and the experience I received with Ama La Vida!” – Dawn B.

“Robbi worked with me last summer when I was miserable in my job. I was able to explore career opportunities and find my passion. I went back to school and could not be happier. I have ZERO regrets. Robbi was able to provide the space to do the work and ask the right questions. I am forever grateful.” – Ali Ob.

“I feel very lucky to have matched with you from the beginning and I felt like we were a great fit. I wanted practical skills, tips, and advice – NOT counseling – and that’s exactly what I got. You are knowledgeable, full of information and ideas on things I hadn’t even thought of, and you were a great cheerleader at the times I felt discouraged by my job search. I am so glad we met and thank you for everything. I was very happy with my experience working with you.” – Jessica A.