Sophie Leroi headshot

MA English Studies, Sorbonne University, Paris
Certified Professional Coach, Academy of Executive Coaching
Past Vice President of ICF Bay Area Chapter, ICF

Fluent in English and French

This is my story

Hello! I’m Sophie Leroi, and I’m a Leadership and Career Coach at Ama La Vida. For the past 20+ years, my focus has been on the training and development of individuals who ultimately own their career progression. I have coached leaders from early career to executives, across a wide range of industries.

When I’m not helping people at work, you will find me spending time with my husband and 5-year-old son. We’ll be listening to some relaxing jazz (ok, sometimes the Moana soundtrack), baking, tending to our hydroponics farm, and making plans for our next trip to Europe to visit our family. Ah yes, I’m from Paris, France, and I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area 8 years ago. I’ve also lived in Paris, Toronto, Copenhagen, and London.

My Coaching Approach

I’m here to support and guide you. Together, we create a powerful and unique coaching alliance that relies on trust, accountability, and mutual effort, and focuses on results and sustainable change. Very often, you will hear me say “let me take off my coach’s hat,” because I am at my best when I can consult with you and share practical and actionable tips to help you progress along your journey. Whether you want to craft an efficient job search marketing portfolio, build a confident and memorable personal narrative, or develop confidence and leadership skills for your career, we will design a coaching plan that gets you where you want to be.

While each coaching journey is different and unique, I like to create a framework for our work together, which typically includes a beginning, a middle, and an end. I take great care in contracting with you, so that we have a clear path ahead of us, and each session will reflect a step in the direction you want to follow. Think of each coaching session as a stepping stone that will get you closer to your goal.

Whom I serve

Empathetic professionals who:
✔ Are ready to invest in their career and progression
✔ Are passionate about learning
✔ Think it might be time to pivot in their careers and need help choosing the right direction
✔ Are just starting in their career and want to work on their impact and define long-term strategies
✔ Want to contribute to true coaching and empowering cultures in their work
✔ Want to become leaders, have just become managers, and who want to get the best out of their relationships with their employees
✔ Have just started a new job in a new environment, including culture, language, and/or country

I’m excited to be a part of the Ama La Vida community and to be your coach. Ready to grow? Let’s talk!

What my clients say

“Thank you so much for helping me realize my self-confidence was still there. Your questions were key in drawing out the answers from within me. The tools you provided helped trigger the thoughts and ideas I needed to move forward. I was able to restructure my habits to help plan out my future and reflect on it each day, week, and month ahead. It launched me forward towards my goals by clarifying my plans and thoughts. Your coaching was a vital ingredient I needed at a critical moment.” – Andrew M. (Business Owner)

“Sophie Leroi’s help as an executive coach has proven to be an invaluable resource as I transition from freelancing to opening my own consultant business. Ms. Leroi is extremely gifted in creating a space where individuals may examine issues in new ways in order to generate solutions. She is adept in asking insightful, thought-provoking questions as well as facilitating exercises that hone my thinking as I approach my work. I have seen a direct link between our sessions and my productivity and overall confidence in my professional life. She is skilled in her craft, articulate, organized, and empathetic. I highly recommend her to those in search of an executive coach.” – Kathryn L. (Business Owner)

“Sophie has been an essential asset to my career growth. She earned my trust through getting to know me, my priorities, my strengths and weaknesses. She also has a natural ability to motivate people. In some of my tougher moments she helped boost my confidence and encouraged me to reach for what seemed unattainable. She made me accountable by arranging frequent check-ins. It was only with her coaching that I was able to land my first job in web development. Since then I have consulted her on all of my career moves. She has a business instinct that allows her to offer salient insights about companies I’m interviewing with. When she’s not totally sure about a company, it’s a red flag. Her input is priceless. She is a people person, a gifted communicator, with a personality that is a combination of caring and empathetic, balanced with pragmatic and results oriented. In short, I feel privileged to have her advice and coaching.” – Greg C. (Software Engineer)