“Once you told yourself a story enough times, it was so easy to keep on believing it.” Scott Westerfeld At a low point in my early 20s, one of my closest friends told me, “you might not be able to see it now, but please trust that everything will be alright in the end.” I […]
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“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” Suzy Kassem If self-doubt is an assassin, it’s skilled at killing your dreams quietly and quickly without you knowing. It will mask itself as a cautious thinker or a shrewd risk analyst and send your dream to the grave before you realize it. Self-doubt is a common […]
Read MoreWe’re kicking off our March Mindfulness Challenge! Mindfulness has a plethora of benefits, but a few of our favorites include: improving memory and cognitive ability; decreasing depression, stress, and anxiety; creating a better sense of well-being; and allowing for better emotional regulation. Each week, we have a handful of practices and resources for you to explore, which we’ve detailed below […]
Read More“Whenever you feel uncomfortable, instead of retreating back into your old comfort zone, pat yourself on the back and say, ‘I must be growing,’ and continue moving forward.”- T. Harv Eker I recently shared with my coach (yes, coaches need a coach, too!) that I learned something new and valuable through dealing with a challenging […]
Read MoreAs a life coach supporting clients in unsatisfying careers, I want to say that lack of clarity is one of the top reasons people stay at a job they don’t enjoy. I’m going to pose this question to all of the readers here – are you happy with your job? If not, how come? Is […]
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