Kindness Interview with Houston Kraft

04/25/17 - Katie Bennett

Houston is a trainer, speaker and kindness advocate. He travels the country speaking to schools and organizations about creating lives filled with compassion, character, purpose, and love. We were honored to pick Houston’s brain about what kindness means and how we can better practice it in our everyday lives.  Houston’s insights were profound and inspirational. Enjoy!

Katie Bennett

Hi I'm Katie, one of the Coaches and CoFounders here at Ama La Vida. My coaching approach is results-orientated and deeply rooted in neuroscience and positive psychology. I'm passionate about empowering individuals to arrive at new insights about their life and career and then take the action they need for meaningful and long-lasting change. When I'm not coaching or working on the business, you will likely find me on a plane or in a restaurant. I also love basking in the sun but since moving to Seattle, that doesn't happen too much.

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