Category: Kindness

three colleagues high fiving

“I got this.” Words of Wisdom from a 4-year-old When I thought about writing this post related to self-confidence, I kept racking my brain for famous quotes and words of advice from inspirational leaders. I then realized that the inspiration was living under my roof and under four feet tall. My 4-year old daughter has […]

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woman smiling in front of a wall of colorful heart shapes

“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we’ll ever do.” Brené Brown The most important relationship you’ll have in your life is the one you have with yourself. Think of all the relationships you encounter in your lifetime. Whether it be the one with a partner, your friends, […]

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2020. This year has been full of adjustments and changes. Most of the changes have been difficult to deal with and now that the holidays are upon us and look different, these changes feel even more drastic. It is an understatement to say that the holidays are different this year. I found myself getting upset […]

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how to manage your difficult family members during the holidays

For more than 10 years, I haven’t lived with my family. In fact, I was kicked out of my home during my freshman year in high school and have only ever returned for holidays, birthdays and special occasions. I love my family to death and trust that they are doing the best they can with […]

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positive thinking quote "think positive"

One of the first lessons you’re taught in acting school (the first era of my career) is to always say yes. Or ‘Siempre si!’ as one particularly joyful teacher used to say. The word ‘no’ – and by extension, a negative mindset in general – is limiting. It closes doors, builds walls and keeps out […]

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ALV Method Downloadable Guide

If you’ve invested in your education by going to college, I bet you’re feeling some pressure to have the career-defining results you hoped for. After all, you’re probably wondering how to make the most of your senior year at college? As a senior, it’s likely that you are anxious to graduate. You are probably also questioning […]

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In my role as a coach, I have the unique opportunity to understand workplace issues from multiple perspectives. I help executives develop clear messaging and thoughtful plans for the future. I work with new college grads as they navigate what exactly it means to have a 9-5. From CEO’s to those in their first job, […]

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I associate kindness with spring. I’m not saying that people can’t be kind in any other season, but I just feel more kind during the spring. The cool breeze makes me want to hold the door a second longer, and the flowers make me smile. Maybe it’s the sun or the air of possibility that […]

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Houston is a trainer, speaker and kindness advocate. He travels the country speaking to schools and organizations about creating lives filled with compassion, character, purpose, and love. We were honored to pick Houston’s brain about what kindness means and how we can better practice it in our everyday lives.  Houston’s insights were profound and inspirational. Enjoy!

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