
Tag: career coach

woman standing looking down at her laptop

Are you feeling stuck in your job search because you lack a college degree? You’re not alone. In fact, according to CNBC “62% of Americans don’t have a degree.” The good news is that it’s entirely possible to build a rewarding career at any age without one. Here’s how you can get a new job […]

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Woman sitting at desk thinking

Changing Careers When You Don’t Know What You Want Not knowing what job or career you want is typical. At some point in their life, most people find themselves at this crossroads, feeling stuck, discouraged, and saying, “I want to do something different, but I just don’t know what that is.” It’s OK to feel […]

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Woman talking to another woman near a window

“What I’d really love to do is X, but to do so I’d have to take a pay cut…so forget it” If I had $1 for every time I’ve heard that statement from a client, friend, or family member, I’d be typing this from a yacht in the South of France. Yes, there might be […]

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woman researching

So, you got the job. Hooray! Now you just need to do that job well and all your career dreams will come true. Right? Or maybe you’ve been in your role for a while, working hard and doing all the “right” things. It’s only a matter of time before you’re whisked away to the management […]

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Download our comprehensive step-by-step guide to design and land a job you love!

Images from The ALV Career Method Guide
ALV Method Downloadable Guide

What are your professional goals? It’s a question that can make even the most seasoned professionals pause. Whether you’re just starting out or well into your career, setting professional goals is crucial. It’s about more than just climbing the corporate ladder. It’s worth taking the time to figure out your professional goals. This process is […]

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woman looking at computer writing down notes in her journal

Let’s face it, no one ever teaches you how to navigate your career. At best, we get half-hearted questions like, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” and “Do you know what you’re going to do when you finish school?” From there, you can try to find a mentor or hope for […]

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woman working while holding a tablet

Life’s too short to settle for a job that doesn’t make your heart sing, right? We get it. You want a career that’s not just “meh,” but downright amazing. You might even call it a “dream job.” At Ama La Vida, we believe that everyone deserves a career (not just a job) – and we’re […]

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woman working on computer while sitting on couch

Here’s a staggering fact: on average, people spend a mind-boggling 84,700 hours of their precious lives at work. It’s why, at Ama La Vida, our particular career strategy emphasizes the importance of finding a job that truly brings you joy. Beyond the bills and responsibilities, your job should seamlessly integrate with your overall life, allowing […]

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Woman in coffee shop on laptop building her side hustle.

Working with a coach can massively transform your personal and professional life, and offers a personalized approach to professional development that can help individuals achieve their full potential. Through communication and feedback, coaches can guide clients to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their values, and their goals. This process can lead to increased confidence, […]

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