
Archives: Programs

Welcome to the GenIN “Live Your Purpose” Program! Throughout the five weeks, you will set, plan and achieve an EPIC Purpose-driven goal! To get started, click on “Introduction” and please complete the first core module “Goal Setting and Planning” in the first seven days. Each module will take roughly one hour to complete, however some may […]

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Welcome to the Ama La Vida “Career Change” (CC) Program! This is a huge step. You have decided that your current job is not cutting it, and you want to find something more fulfilling, more meaningful or just something that doesn’t make you miserable from Monday through Friday. And if you’re working weekends too, well skip this […]

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Welcome to the Ama La Vida “Career Designer” Program! In this first part of the program, you will explore and discover everything that makes you, You: your passions, your gifts, your values and your Purpose! In the next part of the program – Part Two – you will then use these new insights to find and design […]

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