
Tips for Job Searching in 2025: Advice from Ama La Vida Career Coaches

Career Discovery, Career Enrichment, Career Transitions
10/21/24 - Lauren Bonheim
woman looking at computer while writing down notes

The job market has shifted dramatically in recent years, leaving many traditional tips for job searching in the past. Digital transformations, remote work, and the rise of personal online branding have completely changed how we approach finding a new job. In 2025, job seekers need to revamp their tools, strategies, and skills to keep pace with a fast-moving, tech-driven workforce.

While some job seekers see these changes as roadblocks, we at Ama La Vida view them as chances to help our clients stand out in a competitive market. Navigating the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and applicant tracking systems (ATS) is now a must, but as Harvard Business Review points out AI will actually create job opportunities, not diminish them.

That’s why we’ve pulled together top tips from Ama La Vida’s Career Coaches, who stay on top of the latest trends to help you tackle your job search with confidence. With the right strategy, job hunting doesn’t have to feel like a full-time job!

Table of Contents

Don’t Do It Alone: Get the Support You Need for Your Job Hunt

Before we dive into the Ama La Vida Coaches’ top tips for job searching, let’s take a quick step back. What we know for sure at Ama La Vida is that success with your job search isn’t just about checking tasks off your to-do list—it’s also important to align your job search goals with your values and long-term career path.

We know, it’s a lot to consider.

If even just opening this article feels overwhelming, or you’ve tried many of the following strategies and still feel stuck, it may be time to seek support. The key to a successful job search is honing in what works best for YOU.

Ama La Vida Career & Leadership Coach Sophie Leroi sees job hunting as a team sport. She believes that reaching out to others and enlisting their help is a necessity that will make the job search process more efficient, less frustrating, and more enjoyable. Some tips from Sophie:

  • Leverage your close support systems: talk to your family, friends or your partner and make sure you find moments to share your progress, setbacks and challenges. You’ll find that the people closest to you will often have precious advice to share, or just wonderful and supportive reflections.
  • Work with a career coach: sometimes, you need more than just friendly advice. That’s where working with a career coach can make all the difference. A coach provides personalized guidance to help you set realistic goals, stay aligned with your values, and position your experience effectively. A coach will act as both your biggest cheerleader and your toughest challenger—helping you overcome limiting beliefs, identify blind spots, and stay accountable.

So if you’re feeling stuck, unmotivated, or overwhelmed, don’t go at it alone.

Book a call with Ama La Vida to find out how our Career Coaches can help make your journey more strategic, supportive, and successful.

Outdated Tips for Job Searching That Don’t Apply Anymore

Modern hiring practices are reshaping how candidates get noticed, and some old-school strategies just don’t cut it anymore.

Let’s take a look at some familiar advice that may have been effective in the past, but today might actually be working against you.

“Finding a job is a numbers game.”

Flooding the job market with your resume in hopes of landing a job rarely works. Resume spamming with generic applications is a surefire way to land your materials in the “no-pile.”

Most employers are using automated systems to scan applications, which means quality over quantity—so personalize your applications, research the company, and reach out to recruiters and hiring managers directly.

It’s about standing out, not blending in.

“All job openings can be found online.”

While it’s true that many open jobs are posted online, relying solely on applications through job boards could be holding you back.

"70 to 80% of all open positions are in the hidden job market." - Forbes

In 2025, a successful job search will require a multi-faceted approach—networking, building relationships, and attending industry events are just as important as browsing online listings.

Many positions are filled through connections, not postings.

“One resume fits all.”

Gone are the days of using a one-size-fits-all resume to sell your experience. With many organizations using AI-driven applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen resumes before they ever reach a human, it’s essential to customize your resume for each position.

You’ll need to fine-tune your experience to highlight the specific skills and keywords in the job listings to increase the chances your application materials will pass the initial screening and get in front of the hiring manager.

“Strong application materials are the most important part of your job search.”

While important, your resume and cover letter are just one piece of the puzzle.

In today’s job market, your online presence—a robust LinkedIn profile, personal website, or portfolio—can be just as significant. Many recruiters use LinkedIn to source candidates before job openings are even made public, and some roles allow you to apply using just your LinkedIn profile.

This all ties into the multi-faceted approach we mentioned earlier, ensuring you’re visible and accessible in all the right places.

“You need to meet 100% of the job requirements to apply.”

Think you need to meet every single qualification listed before you apply? This common myth holds many job seekers back from throwing their hat in the ring for positions they’re qualified for.

Job postings often outline the skills and experience of their ideal candidate, but this list is not necessarily the minimum requirements. If you meet most of the core qualifications and have relevant experience, apply!

Use your cover letter to showcase how your unique skills can bring value to the position.

“Wait until you’re ready to leave before job hunting.”

As Ama La Vida Leadership & Career Coach, Jen Maynard puts it, “One of the best career moves is to start searching for your next role while you’re still employed and not urgently needing a change. Most job seekers wait until they’re desperate to leave or have already lost a job, which can lead to rushed decisions or missed opportunities. By starting early, you can explore job opportunities thoughtfully, network strategically, and tailor your resume to each position without the pressure of needing immediate results.”

Being proactive in your job search allows you to be more selective, focusing on finding the right fit for your skills, values, and goals. It also positions you to stay ahead of changes in your current role and make decisions from a place of choice, not necessity.

Tips for Job Searching You Can’t Afford to Overlook

Having a successful job search is not just about polishing your resume and acing interviews to impress potential employers; it’s also about how you show up—your energy, mindset, and overall well-being.

Time and again, those clients who prioritize self-care, maintain a positive mindset, and focus on their mental and emotional health while job hunting, report greater success and satisfaction in their pursuit of new opportunities.

If you feel resistant to these tips, we urge you to keep an open mind and take this section seriously.

These are the things that often get overlooked in the rush for quick results, but they’re crucial for a sustainable and fulfilling job search.

Mindset Matters: How Your Thoughts Shape Your Job Search

Maintaining a positive mindset during your job search is crucial for staying motivated and attracting the right opportunities. However, it’s all too common for job seekers to fall into patterns of self-doubt and frustration that can derail their progress.

Ama La Vida Career Coach Gina Robinson has seen firsthand how limiting beliefs can hinder many job seekers from making meaningful progress. She says that “while a positive mindset alone won’t guarantee success, it’s essential to focus on your possibilities and to challenge negative thoughts.”

In Gina’s article “Overcoming Job Search Frustration” she debunks some common limiting beliefs such as “no one is hiring right now” and “this isn’t the right time,” providing more empowering and effective ways to think about your job search.

Cultivating Confidence: Laying the Groundwork for Job Search Success

Believing in yourself and your abilities is just as important, if not more so, than mastering job search strategies like perfecting your resume and LinkedIn profile. Many clients come to Ama La Vida after experiencing challenges such as layoffs or toxic work environments, making confidence-building instrumental in moving forward effectively.

Holistic Career & Life Coach Audrey Rieland empowers her clients by using an exercise called “Celebrate Your Achievements,” which combines assessment results that identify their top strengths and skills with highlighting past successes, helping them craft a compelling elevator pitch.

Audrey has seen that practicing with her clients in a safe coaching environment equips them with the confidence they need to present themselves effectively out in the job market.

Energize Your Job Search: The Power of Self-Care

To avoid burnout, frustration and overwhelm, it’s essential to make self-care a non-negotiable part of your job search routine. Scheduling mindful breaks, celebrating small wins, and surrounding yourself with a supportive network can help to maintain motivation and cultivate a positive outlook throughout the process.

When you prioritize your well-being, you’re not only staying motivated but also ensuring that you’re energized and fully present when opportunities present themselves.

For more tips on how to integrate self-care into your job search, check out our article: “How to Practice Self-Care During Your Job Search.”

With these foundations in place, it’s time to dive into some of the more actionable tips for job searching that Ama La Vida’s experienced Career Coaches have shared.

Navigating the Digital Job Search: Tips for Job Searching Online

One of the most common questions we get from job seekers is: “Where do I find open jobs?” With so many platforms and job boards available today, it can be overwhelming to know where to focus your efforts.

In this section, we’ll share advice from Ama La Vida’s job search strategists for finding jobs online, from traditional job boards to lesser-known tactics that can give you an edge in your search.

Harness The Power of AI to Expand Your Options

Ama La Vida Career Coach and Certified LinkedIn Optimization Specialist, Lisa Allie, uses AI tools like ChatGPT, Perplexity.ai, and Bard with her clients to enhance their job searches by expanding their options. She says “These AI platforms can suggest alternative job titles, industries, or career pivots based on your skills and interests, helping you explore roles you might not have otherwise considered. They can also streamline research by quickly delivering industry trends, salary expectations, and skill requirements, making finding and pursuing new career paths easier.

💡Pro Tip: Lisa shares an AI prompt that has helped her clients identify new jobs to apply to based on experience and skill set:

  1. Copy and paste your resume into the AI chatbox and start a new line by hitting “Shift-Enter.”
  2. Enter this prompt: Based on my skills, background and experience, what jobs am I qualified for? Provide 10+ job titles with the core skills needed for each. For each job, also identify any gaps in my experience or skill set.

She also says that if you already have a job title in mind, you can:

  1. Paste a job description of interest into the AI chatbox and ask: “What search terms could I use to find more jobs like this?”

Explore Niche Online Job Boards

In addition to the well-known boards like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Monster, niche job boards tailored to specific industries, locations or roles can be a powerful tool in your search. Many recruiters now prefer these platforms for advantages such as less competition, higher-quality candidates, and lower costs.

By focusing on specific industries or roles, these job boards attract more qualified, motivated candidates who align with the job requirements and understand the niche.

A few examples of niche job boards:

  • Dice: A leading platform for tech companies and tech professionals, with AI-powered matching tools to simplify the process of connecting employers and talent.
  • PowertoFly: A platform that empowers diverse professionals and job seekers to advance their careers, featuring job openings from companies committed to diversity and inclusion.
  • Mediabistro: A go-to platform for creative professionals looking to break into industries like social media, publishing, advertising, PR, and television.

By using a niche job board, you’re not limiting your options—you’re optimizing your chances of finding a role that aligns with your skills and career goals.

Turn Your Education Into a Career Powerhouse: Leveraging Alumni Job Boards

Ama La Vida Career Coach Lasse Palomaki has spent most of his career supporting students and alumni to turn their degrees into job offers. One of his top job search tips is to “see your alma mater as more than just a place where you earned your degree, but rather as your lifelong career partner.

He encourages his clients to leverage their university’s resources as part of their job search strategy, even if it’s been a while since graduation. According to Lasse, “many universities are increasingly committed to supporting alumni not just during the initial job search, but throughout their careers. This means that if you’ve graduated from college, you didn’t just earn a diploma — you might’ve also gained access to an array of career resources through your alma mater.

💡Pro Tip: Visit your school’s career services website for exclusive job listings aimed at graduates. Many schools collaborate with employers looking specifically for alumni talent.

Mastering the Online Application Process: Expert Advice to Get Hired

When applying for jobs online, you need to optimize your approach to increase your chances of getting hired. Keep in mind that your application is most likely first going through an Applicant Tracking System (ATS), but ensure that your resume and cover letters will still impress human eyes.

Use the Company’s Preferred Application Process

Always follow the employer’s specific instructions for applying. Whenever possible, apply directly through the employer’s career page rather than using LinkedIn Easy Apply or mass job boards. This increases your chances of being noticed and ensures you’re following their preferred process.

Optimize Your Resume to Match the Job Description

An ATS scans resumes to filter candidates based on that job’s requirements. It’s crucial to tailor your resume to improve your chances of getting through the system and into the hands of a human.

💡Pro Tips:

  • Keep your resume format simple – Use a plain, scannable template without fancy designs or fonts. Tools like ResumeWorded or JobScan can help check if your resume is ATS-friendly.
  • Tailor your resume for every job – Customize your resume for each job application by matching the job description and highlighting the relevant experience and skills.
  • Incorporate keywords – Use the same terminology and keywords found in the job posting. ATS software looks for specific phrases to qualify candidates.
  • Organize resume sections clearly – Ensure you have clear headings for sections like Professional Summary, Experience, Skills, and Education.
  • Proofread and spell check – Double-check everything for grammar, spelling, and formatting errors before submitting your job application.

Craft a Cover Letter That Stands Out

If a cover letter is requested, take the time to write one. Address it to the correct person, which you can often find in the job description or by searching LinkedIn. Like your resume, use keywords from the job listing and focus on showcasing two or three core skills relevant to the role.

Always proofread for spelling and grammar before submitting!

Maximize Your Visibility: Strategic Follow-Up After Submitting Job Applications

Ama La Vida Career Coach Kristin Simon, MBA, PCC shares a strategy for improving your chances of escaping the pile of hundreds of applications and being called in for an interview. She says “Instead of just hitting ‘apply’ and hoping for the best, follow up with someone at the company.

The absolute BEST case scenario is, of course, to build relationships at organizations of interest prior to applying to roles, but when that is not possible, these reach outs may improve your chances of getting noticed and hopefully scoring an interview.”

💡Pro Tip: Reach out to the recruiter. Often you can see who posted the role on LinkedIn. If it is not obvious you can search for the company on LinkedIn, select “people” and then search for recruiter, talent acquisition, etc. Sometimes it will even indicate if they are “hiring.” If you aren’t 100% positive, reach out to one and say something like, “I am not sure if you are the right recruiter but if not, can you please let me know who is?”

Kristin says: “You can also reach out to the hiring manager. Sometimes right in the job description it will say, ‘This role reports to the Director of [enter department]).’ Find that person on LinkedIn, look at their profile and craft a thoughtful message.”

  • Good: a simple message that lets them know you applied, conveys your enthusiasm for the role, and offers clear and concise information about how you will add value to the organization.
  • Even better: In addition to the messaging in a “good” message, SHOW them why you are the right person for the role. Do you have testimonials you could send along? If it’s for a facilitation role, can you send a brief video presenting something? The idea is to do something that sets you apart from the other candidates and get someone to take interest in your application.

Don’t Limit Yourself to Online Job Postings

While many job seekers focus almost entirely on online applications, this strategy can actually be limiting. With hundreds of applicants vying for the same positions, standing out becomes a challenge.

💡Pro Tip: To improve your chances of landing a job, don’t rely solely on online job boards. Instead, broaden your approach by incorporating networking strategies and strengthening your online presence. These methods, which we’ll dive into below, often lead to opportunities that aren’t advertised.

Tips to Leverage Your Network Like a Pro When Job Searching

If you’ve been job searching for a while, sending out countless applications into the internet void and wondering if anyone is even seeing them, this section is for you.

In 2025, networking isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s essential. Research shows that anywhere from 70%-80% of open jobs are never even posted publicly, and that around 80% of open roles are filled through connections.

This so-called “hidden job market” makes networking a key element of any strategic job search.

The truth is that networking is something we can all do, and if we can share one must-start tip for job seekers it is this. Yet, we often see the most resistance from our career coaching clients in this area.

We get it, putting yourself out there can be scary and uncomfortable. Most of us have experienced imposter syndrome, social anxiety, or fear of rejection that holds us back from reaching out and building valuable connections.

Yet, despite the discomfort, networking is often the key that unlocks opportunities and can make all the difference. So, how do you get past the fear and make networking work for you?

Let’s dive into some expert networking tips from Ama La Vida’s Career Coaches to help you overcome the hurdles and harness the power of your connections.

First Things First: Shift Your Networking Mindset

As we’ve already mentioned, networking can definitely feel overwhelming or intimidating, especially when the pressure is on to land a new role. But what if simply changing your perspective on networking could transform it into an enjoyable experience rather than just another stressful task on your to-do list?

Vulnerability is part of connecting with new people, so instead of avoiding it, embrace it as your secret superpower. By being open and authentic, and thinking of networking as working for you, rather than against you, you can create meaningful and memorable connections with others.

Allow yourself to lean into what feels good and explore approaches that stray from what “traditional networking” should look like with the following advice.

Cultivating Authentic Connections Leads to Lasting Success

Think of networking as a marathon, not a sprint—while building authentic connections may take some time, the rewards are well worth the effort.

Holistic Life and Career Coach, Natalia Tamburini, PCC encourages her clients to view networking as a means for long-term growth, both personally and professionally. She says, “By letting go of the transactional mentality around networking and embracing the process of meeting new people in a way that feels natural and authentic, you’re more likely to foster meaningful, lasting connections that lead to new opportunities down the road.”

Win-Win Connections: The Power of Two-Way Networking

Networking isn’t just about what you can gain—it’s also about what you can give. Focus on the value and skills you bring to the table to open up new possibilities for collaboration.

Offering your expertise, advice, or support positions you as a valuable resource within your network. The more you contribute to others’ success, the more likely they are to reciprocate.

As Ama La Vida Career and Leadership Coach Jana Day, PCC puts it:

When working with my clients, I encourage them to think of networking as a two-way street and be the person others turn to for mentoring or solutions. By becoming a resource, you strengthen relationships and create a network that supports you in return. You want to be the person others think of when a new opportunity opens up.”

Nurture Relationships to Stay Top-of-Mind

Networking isn’t a one-and-done deal; it’s about nurturing relationships over time. Keep your connections alive by providing value in a variety of ways.

Share articles that align with their interests, inform them about relevant upcoming events or connect them with someone in your network who could provide valuable insights. These thoughtful small gestures foster stronger relationships and ensure you’re top-of-mind as opportunities present themselves.

💡Pro Tip: Create a simple connection tracker using Excel or Google Sheets to note when you last connected with someone. Make it a habit to reach out periodically, keeping your network engaged.

Activate Your Network: Let Them Know You’re Looking

Don’t be shy—if you’re job hunting, your network needs to know! Whether it’s a casual mention during a catch-up or a dedicated LinkedIn post, others aren’t able to help unless they’re in the loop.

And sometimes help comes from unexpected places. Keep an open mind—you never know who in your network could have valuable connections, industry insights, or know someone looking to hire. Reach out, revive those old connections, and keep yourself on their radar.

💡Pro Tip: When reaching out to your network, personalize your messages—people are more inclined to offer support when they feel a genuine connection and know you’re speaking to them directly.

Create Opportunities for Yourself: Ask for the Referral or Introduction

When you come across an exciting opportunity or job posting, confidently ask for a referral or introduction! Most people are willing to help and a strong referral can be a significant advantage to get connected with potential employers.

As Ama La Vida Career Coach Gina Robinson explains, “Asking your professional connections for referrals to job openings or introductions to others in their network can significantly increase your chances of getting your foot in the door.”

The key is to ask directly and simplify the process as much as possible for them.

💡 Pro tip: Get specific with your request. Rather than a vague “Can you connect me with someone?” offer clear guidance around how your connections can help. For example, you might say, “I noticed your company is hiring for [role]. Would you be willing to refer me to the hiring manager, [name]?” By being specific, you make it easier for others to provide the support and resources you’re looking for.

Grow Your Network: Expand “Who You Know”

If you feel your circle is small or you don’t “know the right people,” it’s never too late to grow your network. Platforms like LinkedIn make it easier than ever to build relationships with professionals in your industry (or the one you want to break into).

As Coach Jana Day, PCC puts it, “Networking isn’t just for job searches—it’s a skill to use daily. The key is to make connections part of your regular routine, not something you scramble to do when you need a new job. Networking should be an all-season activity. For example, next time you are in a meeting or at an event, take note of any new people and connect with them on LinkedIn.

Join relevant groups, attend in-person and virtual events, and reach out to people in your target roles for informational interviews.

Tap into Your Alumni Network

As you seek to expand your network, don’t overlook the vast potential of your alumni community.

According to Ama La Vida Career Coach and Associate Director of Career Services for Alumni, Lasse Palomaki, a major perk of being an alum is the extensive alumni network available to you.

Here are some ways to leverage your alumni network:

  • Alumni Chapters: Head to your institution’s alumni website to find local chapters and affinity networks. These groups host networking events, workshops, and guest speakers. Attend events to meet fellow alumni who can provide insights and connections in your target industry.
  • Mentorship Programs: Check if your school offers a mentorship program. Contact the alumni engagement office to learn how to connect with fellow alumni who can give you guidance on navigating a job search in their industry.

Think Outside the Box: Get Creative with How You Connect

Tired of the same old networking strategies? It may be time to spice things up!

Ama La Vida Coach Natalia Tamburini suggests attending non-traditional networking events—think local volunteer activities, online meetups for hobbies, or even casual gatherings such as a wellness retreat. Sometimes, the best connections happen when you’re not actively “networking.”

“You never know who you’ll meet when you simply lean into what interests you. Embracing the spontaneity of new experiences can lead to unexpected opportunities.”

Check out this blog post for more creative networking tips from Natalia.

Level Up Your Job Search with a Standout LinkedIn Profile

An up-to-date and optimized LinkedIn profile can be just as effective as your resume when it comes to landing your next job. Recruiters and employers often check both before reaching out, so make sure your profile is polished, professional and tailored to the types of roles you’re interested in.

Think of LinkedIn as your online business card, often your first impression, with the potential to set you apart from other candidates.

💡Pro Tips:

  • Optimize your headline with keywords relevant to the jobs you’re targeting. Don’t just list your job title—make it searchable!
  • Fill out your profile completely with all sections filled in, especially your job responsibilities and results. Focus on the last 5-7 years of experience and highlight achievements.
  • Craft a personable ‘About’ section that tells your story, shares your career highlights, and reflects your personality.
  • Upload a professional headshot that’s business-casual, clear, and friendly.
  • Add top skills to highlight your most relevant qualifications aligning with the positions you’re pursuing.

Want to dive deeper into optimizing your LinkedIn profile? Check out our detailed guide: How to Make Your LinkedIn Work For You, where we share even more tips to help you stand out and make lasting connections.

Ready to Take Your Job Search to the Next Level?

Book a call with Ama La Vida to create a personalized, career strategy with tips for job searching that are tailored to your unique goals.

It’s not just about creating a new resume, preparing for common interview questions, or negotiating a job offer—our expert career coaches help you design a strategic roadmap for long-term career fulfillment and success!

Lauren Bonheim headshot
Lauren Bonheim

Hello there! I’m Lauren and I’m a certified coach who works with clients to design lives, careers, and relationships they truly love. One of my core beliefs is that there is no one-size-fits-all template for life, love, work, or success. I’m here to help you challenge the status quo, break free from the cookie-cutter mold and explore a life and career path that’s truly authentic to you!

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