
Category: Confidence

woman looking off into distance thinking with laptop on her lap

“Once you told yourself a story enough times, it was so easy to keep on believing it.” Scott Westerfeld At a low point in my early 20s, one of my closest friends told me, “you might not be able to see it now, but please trust that everything will be alright in the end.” I […]

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colleague showing another colleague something on an ipad

Leadership development is an important concept no matter who you are. Which of these scenarios do you identify with?   You are a leader that is trying to strategize ways to increase organizational employee engagement and retention. Or maybe you are a manager of teams that wants to enable their employees to continue to advance to […]

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person on couch looking at computer

As a career and leadership coach I’ve met with hundreds of clients representing multiple jobs and sectors. Their coaching goals vary widely. But there is one common focus area evident in most of my clients. And that focus area is confidence. The desire to have it and/or feel it is universal and spans genders, salary, […]

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woman smiling wearing hat

Our thoughts, beliefs, and stories are part of our internal world, and it is we who allow them to stop us from acknowledging our natural brilliance, slow our forward momentum, suspend any efforts to achieve our goals, and generally keep us stuck. If we are to overcome our insecurities, raise our self-esteem, move forward with […]

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two managers talking

We prepare for many things in life, but one thing that we cannot prepare for is losing our jobs. Going through this experience evokes many different emotions….fear, anger, embarrassment, shock and worry to name just a few. After the initial shock wears off, many employees find themselves wondering what is next and how do they […]

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two people talking to each other at a table

Why is it so simple to avoid difficult conversations? We are SUPER uncomfortable with conflict. We don’t want to come across as mean, opinionated, or stubborn.  Sometimes we are not even sure we have the authority or are right. And so, we get comfortable avoiding conflict. We convince ourselves that living with the status quo is easier or […]

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three colleagues high fiving

“I got this.” Words of Wisdom from a 4-year-old When I thought about writing this post related to self-confidence, I kept racking my brain for famous quotes and words of advice from inspirational leaders. I then realized that the inspiration was living under my roof and under four feet tall. My 4-year old daughter has […]

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