Prepare Them for the Next Job with Outplacement Support
Career Transitions, Confidence, Leadership Coaching, Mindset & Mindfulness

We prepare for many things in life, but one thing that we cannot prepare for is losing our jobs. Going through this experience evokes many different emotions….fear, anger, embarrassment, shock and worry to name just a few. After the initial shock wears off, many employees find themselves wondering what is next and how do they move forward.
Companies can help their exiting employees by providing outplacement support. What are outplacement services? Outplacement services is a severance benefit included in the exiting employee’s severance package. The organization provides this service to support the employee in transitioning out of the organization and into a new job. This coaching program usually focuses on career services to assist the employee with defining their brand and market themselves to find their next role.
Here are just a few of the benefits that result from providing outplacement support for exiting employees:
- Protect company reputation
Organizations that provide outplacement services show their support for the exiting employees and show that they care about the well being of the employee. Companies that have a reputation of not caring about their employees do not attract top talent and can also lose the talented employees that remain at the company. When a company has a reputation of going above and beyond for all employees….past and present…people will be drawn to that company
- Communicates a clear message
Clear communications provide understanding for the exiting employee, current employees and the public. A clear message around the layoff can put current employees at ease and also reduce any miscommunication around the layoffs and the company’s future.
- Reduces the risk of litigation
When companies experience layoffs, legal costs may rise. Providing outplacement services helps maintain a positive relationship with the employee and reduces the legal risk that may come from the layoff. Outplacement support can also reduce the risk of employees posting negative comments on social media.
- Empowers employees
Current employees feel empowered and know that the organization cares about their professional and personal development. Exiting employees feel empowered to go forward in their job search knowing they have the support of their previous employer and foster long-term relationships.
- Proactive support
Transitioning to a new role after a layoff can be difficult, and staying motivated and engaged throughout the process can be draining. Additional support to assist in navigating the job search and staying positive is an integral part of the employee’s journey. This may be the first time in a very long time that they have had to think about a resume, interviewing, and networking. Working with an outplacement coach to prepare for these different aspects of the job search can make it more productive and efficient.
- Employee Retention and Engagement
When companies experience layoffs, doubt and worry about the future of the company and the current employee’s future at the job come into question. They wonder if this could happen to them and do they need to start looking for a new job elsewhere. Knowing that the company is invested in their future and is willing to provide support service should this arise, can ease the doubt and help the employees to stay engaged and committed to the company.
- Guided career program
A career program that is geared to assist laid-off employees is just the boost of confidence that they need as they prepare for their next role at a new company. Preparing resumes, searching job boards, interview preparation, networking, and the many other aspects of the job search process are included in outplacement coaching. During this discovery process, the individual can establish a clear action plan and also have accountability throughout the process to support them in achieving their goals.
Ready to invest in your employees and provide them additional support as they navigate employment change? Ama La Vida is here to help! The ALV Outplacement Method is a proven human-centered approach to outplacement. As your trusted outplacement provider, it is our responsibility to protect your brand and reputation while providing the highest quality and tailored support your employees require. Together we work hand in hand with you to ensure we are integrating the right message and communicating your company values through the process.
Making the decision to provide outplacement support for exiting employees will not only strengthen your organization but will contribute to building a strong workforce for the future!