3 Books I Can’t Put Down!

Career Enrichment, Self Awareness, Women Empowerment
01/30/19 - Teague

I’m not ashamed to point out my flaws – I don’t exercise regularly enough, I take on way too many projects and then get cranky, and I’m always a consistent 5 minutes late to meetings. However, I never hesitate to pat myself on the back when it comes to my reading habits.

Books have always been friends to me – I love transporting myself into new worlds, learning new concepts, and living the world through someone else’s eyes. I love spending a few quiet moments each morning with a hot cup of coffee and a chapter of a book, and wake up hours before the sun rises in order to make this happen. Creating that space for myself is a non-negotiable. In no particular order, here are three books that were worth waking up for as I made my way through them over the last few weeks.

  • Refinery29 Money Diaries: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted To Know About Your Finances… And Everyone Else’s by Lindsey Stanberry. I’m an avid reader of the Refinery29 Money Diaries series, probably because it satisfies my need to be nosy into other people’s lives. However, I loved the book version of this project as it weaved in important financial lessons along with comprehensive records of how people spend their money. I particularly appreciate the focus on women’s financial success as Stanberry walks you step-by-step through the process of getting your money (and life) together.
  • An American Marriage by Tayari Jones. To be honest, I’m not even sure where to begin with telling you about this book. My appetite for this novel was absolutely insatiable and I found myself creating pockets of time to get through just a few more pages. However, when I realized I was approaching the final chapter, I closed the book and it sat on my coffee table for almost a week – because I just wasn’t ready for it to end. This novel is devastating and raw, and I highly recommend it (so does Oprah, as it was one of her 2018 Book Club selections).
  • Dare to Lead by Brené Brown. If you’re a client of mine, or – let’s be real – if we’ve ever even had a brief conversation, you know how much of an influence Brené Brown has had on me. When I learned she was writing a book focused on leadership, I was embarrassingly excited. Her data-driven and heart-led work asks us to be courageously vulnerable role models at work and to be willing to dig in and do this difficult exploration alongside each and everyone one of your team members. In particular, I truly appreciate her Engaged Feedback Checklist and have utilized this powerful tool when I know I need to check myself. If you’re not convinced, let me share this last tidbit – each of my family members got a book by Brown for the holidays and were conveniently subjected to a mini-lecture about how much I love her and how they need to as well.

This week’s challenge

Books are the way I learn new things and explore concepts unknown to me. They align with my commitment to ongoing personal growth and development. How about you – how do you learn and grow and experiment with fresh ideas? This week, engage in whatever helps you progress. If it’s a walk in the woods with a good podcast, a silly chat with your toddler by which you can see the magic of the world through their eyes, or a phone call to a wise older relative, make that happen this week. Keep learning, growing, and receiving new knowledge that takes you outside of your comfort zone.

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