Key Ways To Help Live A Healthier Life When Trying To Be Free Of Stress

Reducing Stress, Work Life Integration
12/17/19 - Editorial Staff

Stress is a normal part of life. Regardless of your daily responsibilities and lifestyle, you’re bound to experience stress. And while stress can motivate a person to do better, too much of it can compromise a person’s overall health. Poor stress management can increase your risk of developing illnesses and diseases, which can adversely affect the quality of your life. Today, we’re sharing some tips to implement in your life if you’re trying to be free of stress.

Every human experiences stress, but this doesn’t mean that you should live your entire life full of it. There are several ways on how you can effectively combat stress and live a healthier life. By making small changes in your daily routine, you can achieve these goals effortlessly.

Here’s how you can live a healthier and stress-free life:

Always Eat Right

Your diet plays can significantly affect your stress tolerance. Poor nutrition can contribute to stress, and stress can usually trigger you to reach for sugary and fatty foods. Improving your physical and mental health can be a near-impossible task if you’re not making any changes with your diet and stress management.

If you want to hit two birds with one stone, gradually change your diet. A well-balanced diet can be a powerful tool for you to handle stress better.

To help you get started, listed below are tips to help you focus on proper nutrition and help you reduce stress:

Lessen caffeine intake

Drinking too much coffee can worsen the effects of stress. Caffeine can cause your body to feel “wound up” and can make minor stresses feel and look more intense. When too much caffeine is in your body, small inconvenience can trigger chronic stress and can become the reason why you can’t function well.  

If you drink several cups of coffee every day, gradually minimize your caffeine intake by reducing your cups. If you usually drink three cups every day, work on drinking only two cups and then one. Immediately and completely removing coffee from your diet can cause severe headaches and other caffeine withdrawal symptoms.

Appreciate mealtimes

Regardless of how occupied you are, you should never skip meals or eat hurriedly. Doing any of these can only worsen stress and even put your health at risk.

Instead of skipping your meals or eating on the run, utilize mealtimes as a chance to sit down and relax. Enjoy the flavors of the meals in front of you, and reflect on all of the activities you had and will have in the day.

If you’re sharing the meal with another person, maximize this time to catch up with the other person. Ask how they are doing, and what’s keeping them busy lately. Besides, meals taste better if you’re sharing it with people close to you, right?

Avoid stress eating

It’s common for people who are under too much stress to reach for unhealthy foods to comfort themselves. Eating an entire pint of ice cream or munching a huge bag of chips in one sitting can seem relaxing for someone who is stressed.

However, stress eating can only result in guilt and overeating. If you see yourself in this kind of situation, discipline yourself to use other platforms in managing stress.

Instead of eating large quantities of junk food whenever you’re stressed, play with a pet, engage in physical activities, or treat yourself to a relaxing bath. De-stress by pursuing your hobbies or taking days off from work.

These activities are better stress relievers because it frees your mind from any mental exhaustion without harming your overall health.

Consider Incorporating Natural Supplements And Therapies

For individuals who are always on the go, staying physically active and preparing well-balanced meals can be a struggle. They won’t have the time to work out regularly, and they would prefer meals that are easy to prepare.

If you have a very hectic schedule, don’t worry because you can still ward off stress even if you don’t have the luxury of time. Fortunately, there are now natural supplements and therapies that can help you live a stress-free life, such as:

CBD-infused products

CBD or cannabidiol is a product extracted from the cannabis or hemp plant. Although derived from the same family as marijuana, using CBD doesn’t create any “high” sensation or alter any of the body’s functions.

In fact, CBD products are cost-effective because it can treat a wide variety of health conditions such as stress and other mental illnesses.

CBD products are known to reduce stress in the human body because it contains natural compounds that boost the brain’s ability to produce serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical neurotransmitter responsible for a person’s mood and social behavior.

According to studies, there is a connection between the body’s serotonin levels and stress. The lower serotonin a person has, the more susceptible they are to experience chronic and frequent stress. Having low serotonin levels is a leading factor of anxiety and depression.

CBD can positively interact with the human brain, encouraging it to produce more serotonin. Frequent CBD use can guarantee that your brain produces more serotonin. To ensure your entire body gets a sufficient amount of this neurotransmitter.

Having a sufficient amount of serotonin in the body can help your mind stay at ease. This will keep stress at bay.


When you think about aromatherapy, think about basking in the ambiance of a luxurious spa. The environment of a spa is one of the reasons why you’re paying your hard-earned money to use this facility.

But instead of spending money just to bask in a relaxing environment, why not create the same at home? By investing in essential oils and placing them strategically in different areas, it won’t be long before your home will feel and smell like a spa!

Aromatherapy is actually a natural therapy used since ancient times to reduce stress and promote feelings of calmness and relaxation. Inhaling and exhaling certain essential oils is an effective stress reliever because it stimulates the areas of your brain that controls your emotions.

Some of the best essential oils for stress are lavender, jasmine, and basil. Aside from reducing stress, some of these essential oils work well in detoxifying the body. Using essential oils regularly can release negative emotions so your mind can stay calm.

Find Time To Exercise

Contrary to popular belief, exercising for stress relief doesn’t require going to the gym, lifting heavy barbells, or using gym equipment for hours. Spending a few minutes of jogging around your neighborhood or playing a single game of badminton can already do the trick.

If you spend most of your days at work, stand up from your workstation and stretch your body during breaks. Walking from your workstation to the nearest water dispenser in the office is a simple yet effective way of staying active and reducing stress in the workplace. If your office is on the second or third floor of a building, swap the elevator or escalator and opt to take the stairs.

Any physical activities, as long as you’re sweating, can be a great stress reliever. These activities can provide instant relief from stress and stressful situations. Physical exercises can also release endorphins, improving your mood and energy levels.

Talk To A Friend

Contrary to popular belief, managing stress doesn’t have to be time-consuming or expensive. Spending time with a friend and venting out your frustrations to them is already an excellent platform in keeping your mental health in check.

If you see yourself on the verge of breaking down because of excessive stress, take a break from your daily routine, and talk to a friend. Freely express all of your problems and consider your friend as a confidant.

Maintaining positive relationships with the people around you can improve your mental health as it increases your sense of purpose of belongingness, and boost your happiness. These relationships can also improve your self-worth and self-confidence.

Moreover, talking to a friend regularly can be considered as an effective therapy to relieve stress. You’ll be surprised how a short chat with a dear friend can put everything in perspective! If you don’t feel comfortable speaking with a friend about potentially vulnerable topics related to your mental health, please know that you’re never alone. You can always connect with licensed professionals like online therapists. Click here for more information about how online therapy can help you live a healthier life.

Life Trying To Be Free Of Stress

Think Positive

Some people have poor mental health because they don’t have any idea on how to properly care for it. They think that in order for them to avoid stress and other mental health conditions, they have to invest a lot of time and effort in therapies and medications.

All of these notions are misconceptions as you can effectively look after your mental health simply by following one of the most common maxims known to men – to think positive.

Positive thinking enables you to approach all of life’s unpleasantness in the most positive and productive way. When you learn how to think positively, you’ll look forward to how your current situation will become better and not focus on the worse.

Instead of letting stress control your life, you’ll learn how to look at challenges as opportunities for you to grow and become better over time.

Ask Your Doctor First

Before consuming any products, changing your diet, or engaging in strenuous physical activities. Be sure to consult with your doctor first. Seeking medical approval is vital, especially if you’re currently taking any medications or suffering from a specific health condition.

Making health-related decisions on your own, even if your intentions are good, can only lead to health risks and complications.

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