
How To Set EPIC Goals

Achieving Goals, Career Enrichment, Leadership Coaching, Presence
09/25/18 - Teague

Here at Ama La Vida, we believe in setting big goals, very big goals. Some may even call them “EPIC.” We wanted to share a little more about the EPIC framework we use (if you’ve heard of SMART goals, it’s similar but more… epic), and how you can apply our proprietary strategy to your next big adventure.


Your goal should connect with your personal vision and purpose (some people call it something like “my why”). By linking your goal to a bigger plan, you’re building in motivation. When you want to give up, having a goal that is ELEVATING helps you to keep your reason for starting in mind. And, if you don’t quite know what your purpose is…well, you know who to turn to for some guidance!


Sure, becoming CEO is a fantastic goal – but if it’s your first day on the job, you still need to develop skills before getting to that next level. Your goals should be a stretch – perhaps landing a promotion, or negotiating a mentorship with an esteemed leader in your organization – but they still need to be realistic.


Your goal should strategically and visibly move you toward your long-term vision. If your next big adventure is running a marathon but the only marathoning you’ve been doing is the latest season of OITNB, you might set a goal of running a 5k or even getting out for a lunchtime walk several times each week. It’s critical for your short-term goals to serve as momentum along your journey of change.


This part can be tricky if you’re not careful. The best goals are specific to deadlines. If not, it’s easy to fall short of your original intent but let that slide due to your goal being too vaguely defined. Once you have the individual components of your goal identified, along with the deadlines by which you’ll have them achieved, take your plans a step further and pop them into your calendar. Your future self will thank you.

The Challenge

Check in with yourself and the goals you currently have set. Where are you falling short? Review your goals and see if they’re EPIC. If not, revise and keep moving toward long-term success. We’re rooting for you.

Have a ton of goals and not sure where to start? Our team of experienced coaches can help you create a personalized plan of action! Click here to book your complimentary consult!


If you are interested in learning more, here are some of our favorite resources:

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