
Tag: communication

two people talking to each other at a table

Why is it so simple to avoid difficult conversations? We are SUPER uncomfortable with conflict. We don’t want to come across as mean, opinionated, or stubborn.  Sometimes we are not even sure we have the authority or are right. And so, we get comfortable avoiding conflict. We convince ourselves that living with the status quo is easier or […]

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Coaching is a hugely helpful skill for leaders and managers. It’s a great way to help team members develop. It’s particularly effective when combined with feedback and reinforcement. We often ask leaders to “show up” as a coach, but what does that really mean? Showing up as a coach doesn’t just happen.  Showing Up When I talk about “showing […]

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4 Tips to Effectively Receiving Feedback How to Effectively Receive Feedback: One of the biggest challenges leaders face is that they aren’t equipped with the tools to effectively deliver feedback. Therefore, when feedback comes our way, we don’t always know how to receive it. This misstep creates a loop that negatively impacts team development. Leaders […]

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I love this time of year! From Thanksgiving until New Year’s, time seems to speed up in a lot of ways while also slowing down. I love the different pace and feel that work and play has, along with the different activities like tree hunting, decorating, lights-watching, gingerbread making, feasting, zoo lights, and family and […]

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What the heck is a “soft” skill?? I don’t hate easily, but I really, really don’t like the term “soft skills”. What is “soft” about these skills? Soft indicates mushy and yielding. While these terms aren’t deemed as unpleasant, in the professional workplace we assign them a negative connotation. So I’m proposing we call them […]

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You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again: setting boundaries is really important. Many of the issues my clients bring to coaching are in some way related to their boundaries. Specifically, their lack thereof. Boundaries can seem complex and nebulous, which makes them hard to define and implement for a lot of us. So […]

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There are a lot of factors that can affect our journey towards reaching our goals, whether they are personal or work-related. While it is easy to lose track of our own objectives with so many distractions present, it is not entirely a bad thing to suddenly find yourself walking an entirely different path far from […]

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