Your Top Questions About Life Coaching Answered
Life Coaching

There is no denying that these are truly unprecedented times. Collectively, we are exhausted, stressed, and burned out. Many of us are at a crossroads. This point in history has caused many people to ask themselves questions like, “If I have one life to live, what do I want to do with it? What do I need out of life to be my optimal best?” Many are in need of a Life Coach right now, but we aren’t clear exactly what is life coaching, how they do it, and the benefits of seeking a life coach. This blog is intended to clear up any confusion and answer your top questions about Life Coaching.
What is a Life Coach?
Life coaches are partners who hold their clients accountable, provide encouragement and motivation so that their clients can achieve the desired results for their lives. At Ama La Vida, our life coaches are certified to help clients realize and reach their full and true potential. Life coaches act as sounding boards to support and challenge their clients. Life coaches enable their clients to develop a deeper awareness and take action toward their goals. Through all of this, life coaches empower their clients to be better versions of themselves while maximizing happiness and success in all aspects of their lives.
What Does A Life Coach Do?
Many individuals who find their way to life coaching find that they are stuck and can’t keep going down the path they are on. This calls for the partnership of a life coach. To all my potential clients I say, Life coaching is less about the why and more about the how. Life coaches offer support, tools, and actionable steps to address and solve many of life’s common obstacles.
So, what exactly does a life coach do? A great Life Coach listens thoughtfully to their client’s situation and helps them grow by analyzing their mindset, uncovering any limiting beliefs, and highlighting any blind spots or obstacles getting in the way of the client reaching the goals they have set for themselves. Sometimes this comes in the form of the client not being aware of what their goals are, in which case a coach will be there to deepen the client’s self-awareness. From there, Life Coaches partner with their clients to determine the client’s vision, goals, and action steps to achieve the client’s desired outcomes for their lives. Life coaches do not give advice, consult, counsel, or mentor. Rather they are there to help their clients come to the answers themselves and motivate them to be the best version of themselves.
What Does the Relationship Between A Client & Life Coach Look Like?
The relationship between coach and client can be described as the client being the driver of the car and the life coach being the passenger. In this analogy, the passenger is not your backseat driver. The passenger is there to support, advocate, challenge, and act as a non-biased sounding board to the driver, helping them address potential obstacles, but ultimately it is the driver who is steering the wheel and pushing the gas and brakes. The goal is to have the driver feel so confident in the direction they are heading that the passenger can get out of the car, giving their driver the tools, resources, and clarity, they need to drive forward and succeed.

What are the Benefits of Hiring a Life Coach?
It’s important to note that the benefits of hiring a life coach depend on the client’s goals, but common benefits include:
- Clearly defining a vision for yourself and for your future
- Identifying and achieving meaningful goals that align with your vision of success
- Increased self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-love
- Developing, courage, confidence, and self-worth
- Reframing negative self-talk
- Uncovering limiting beliefs
- Developing stronger and more connected relationships
- Managing life transitions in a healthy and meaningful way
- Obtaining work-life balance
- Establishing and maintaining healthy routines
- Establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries
- Identifying your triggers and blind spots and developing strategies to overcome them
- Defining Core Values and living in alignment with those values
How Does Life Coaching Work?
Now you have a better understanding of what is life coaching and the benefits of hiring a life coach, what can you expect? Great life coaches leverage a system within their coaching but will work with their clients to set an action plan based on the specific goals and needs of their clients.
At Ama La Vida, this system starts with defining a vision for success. A life coach might ask questions like, “What does this goal mean for you?” or “What is driving you to make these changes?” From there, the coach will work alongside their client to identify any obstacles standing in the way of their client’s vision and reality. Through this process, the coach will help the client craft strategies to overcome these obstacles.
A great coach will spend quite a bit of time here. I always say to prospective clients that this is the part of coaching that is the messiest and most uncomfortable, but it is the part that is the most transformative. Obstacles holding us back from living up to our potential can be anything from fixed mindsets to unhealthy thought patterns to the relationship we have with ourselves. Coaches may offer homework, strategies, and tools to help their clients overcome these internal obstacles. From there, the coach will work with the client to set short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals and ultimately create a plan of action for their client. The client decides what steps to take and when they will take them while the coach holds them accountable, motivates them, and empowers their client to stay committed.
Who Needs Life Coaching?
Our lives are made up of a series of events and milestones. Sometimes these moments require more than just ourselves. Beneath the surface, there are behaviors and obstacles that get in our way of achieving our goals. More simply put, we sometimes don’t know how what we are doing is inhibiting the results we hope to obtain out of life.
Anyone can leverage life coaching. This can look like the individual who comes to Ama La Vida seeking support to achieve their vision for success in their lives. It can be the individual who knows something isn’t quite right, but they aren’t sure what. It can be the person who is stuck, feeling a lack of confidence in the direction their life is heading. Life coaching clients are often people who think they might need therapy (or already work with a therapist), but they need a more future-centered approach.
They are aware that there is a gap between where they are today and where they want to be, and they need the support, accountability, and motivation to get there.
What is the difference between Coaching, Mentoring, and Therapy?
This blog does an excellent job of highlighting these differences. There are many overlaps, but the focus of coaching is on the future, it’s positively focused to explore opportunities, and it is a process to create sustained change. See the visual below:
How Do I Know If I’m Ready for Life Coaching?
There are a few indicators that demonstrate you or someone you know might be a good fit for life coaching.
These indicators could include any of the following:
- You find yourself stuck in self-destructive habits
- You suffer from fear of failure or imposter syndrome and that it is keeping you from achieving your goals
- Your inner self-talk is very negative
- You’re lacking self-confidence
- You want to get to know themselves better
- You’ve recently experienced a major life change or undergone a stressful event
- You’re searching for Meaning or Purpose in your life
- You recognize the need to establish boundaries
- You’re not quite sure what isn’t working, but you are aware something needs to change
- You don’t know where to start and/ or are feeling overwhelmed
- You’re feeling a lack of motivation or feeling of languishing
- You’re lacking productivity
In addition to these indicators outlined above, we find that similar to Therapy, there are moments in our lives that bring individuals to seek life coaching. These Triggers may include:
- Losing a job
- Experiencing a breakup
- Becoming a parent
- Experiencing setbacks/disappointments
- Being at a “crossroads”
Do I need a Life Coach or A Therapist?
This answer isn’t as straightforward as it may seem. For potential clients asking this question I say you can need both, either, or neither. Life Coaching is not the same as therapy. Clients who haven’t addressed severe mental illness, trauma, or grief alongside a therapist aren’t great candidates for life coaching. However, life coaching is a wonderful tool that can help a variety of individuals. Many of our clients work alongside a therapist in addition to their life coach. The most important thing I consistently drive home with potential clients is that life coaching is not a quick fix, and you can’t expect results overnight. However, with the effort, input and commitment, a life coach has the potential to transform your life.
How Much Does it Cost?
Please visit our Pricing page for more info!
It sounds like my organization might sponsor me for personal development, do you have any resources to support me?
Yes! We have a great module to help you. Check it out here!
How long should I work with a Life Coach?
Due to the nature of coaching, we recommend a minimum of 1 year of life coaching to see sustained change. However, we strive to make this accessible to all. If you are interested in life coaching, please schedule a consultation below and we will work with you to come up with a coaching plan that works for you.
How do I find the right life coach?
This blog does an excellent job of capturing how to find the right life coach for you. You can also read more about ALV’s life coaches at here.