
Author: Brooke McCord

Goals: without them, we feel aimless! Is it a promotion at work? Buying a house? Fitting into those jeans again? Creating (and keeping) a meditation practice? Goals can be exciting, but they can also be intimidating and overwhelming. It’s easy to feel aimless, especially if you don’t know how or why you want to accomplish […]

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This edition of transition tips is focused on navigating the changes when you’re promoted in the workplace. You work hard, you put in the hours (sometimes too many hours), you execute the tasks, and you go above and beyond as often as you can.  One day, you’re finally recognized and get promoted – congratulations!  Your […]

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Coach Foram having a one-on-one coaching session in our Chicago office

Hello! If you’re reading this, you are probably thinking about getting started with coaching. We are so happy to work with you and walk alongside you during this time in life to get you right where you want to be. Before we get started, let’s walk through what coaching is, some questions to ask yourself, […]

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Transition Tips: When Your Work-Life Balance Shifts

We are continuing our conversation about transitions. Today we are talking about my favorite Transition Tips: When Your Work-Life Balance Shifts. I’ll be referring to work-life balance as WLB for simplicity’s sake. WLB can be very tricky to define as people can have very different definitions for what balance looks like to them. I like […]

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tips and tricks to help you make the transitions you'll face in life

Welcome to the first edition of our Transition Tips series! If you’re like most people, times of transition bring up a lot of stress and discomfort and at times can be downright scary. You are not alone in feeling this way! Leaving something known and comfortable and stepping into the unknown can bring up a lot […]

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When I was younger, I played tennis competitively – from an early age, I was a competitor. I was pitted against whoever my opponent was. We weren’t on the same team and were in a battle for every point there was. Tennis is an incredibly mental game. When I was down, I learned to never […]

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