
Author: Gabby Vicas

companies hiring in chicago

Our clients and community are looking for unique jobs in a fun environment. This edition of 9 cool jobs focuses on companies hiring for interesting roles in Chicago, IL. There is a lot of uncertainty during the Covid-19 pandemic, but companies are in fact still hiring. If you are in the Windy City, this list […]

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e-commerce companies hiring

Our clients and community are looking for unique jobs in a fun environment. This edition of 9 cool jobs focuses on e-commerce companies hiring for cool, fun jobs. With everything going on with COVID-19 many people who are looking for a job have felt stuck. This list is to give you a jump start on […]

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cool jobs for career exploration

Our clients and community are looking for unique jobs in a fun environment. This edition of 9 cool jobs is focusing on cool jobs for career exploration. These jobs reside within organizations which prioritize people and culture and provide exciting ways to make an impact beyond the mundane 9-5. We are particularly interested in positions […]

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9 cool jobs for 2020

This edition of 9 Cool Jobs is featuring 9 Cool Jobs For 2020. Our clients and community are looking for unique jobs in a fun environment. These jobs should reside within organizations which prioritize people and culture in addition to providing an exciting way to make an impact beyond the mundane 9-5. We are particularly […]

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What do you think about when you think of sales and salespeople? There are a lot of assumptions and speculation about salespeople and sales roles. People often seem to avoid sales jobs at all costs. Consumers also try to avoid sales reps for various reasons. So in honor of national salesperson day, I’m going to […]

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Download our comprehensive step-by-step guide to design and land a job you love!

Images from The ALV Career Method Guide
ALV Method Downloadable Guide

really cool jobs to check out

Our clients and community are looking for unique jobs in a fun environment. These jobs should reside within organizations which prioritize people and culture and provide exciting ways to make an impact beyond the mundane 9-5. We are particularly interested in positions that don’t neatly fit into an obvious career path box (e.g., doctor, lawyer, […]

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Everyone has moments in their life where they need to lean on someone for guidance. Whether you are going through a career change, working on your mental health, or figuring out what you want to do in your life, there are several options to consider when seeking guidance. Coaching, Therapy, and Mentorship are three big […]

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9 cool jobs to ponder this fall

Our clients and community are looking for unique jobs in a fun environment. These jobs should reside within organizations which prioritize people and culture and provide exciting ways to make an impact beyond the mundane 9-5. We are particularly interested in positions that don’t neatly fit into an obvious career path box (e.g., doctor, lawyer, […]

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a few women enjoy happy hour chatting about their cool job

Our clients and community are looking for unique jobs in a fun environment. These jobs should reside within organizations that prioritize people and culture and provide exciting ways to make an impact beyond the mundane 9-5. We are particularly interested in positions that don’t neatly fit into an obvious career path box (e.g., doctor, lawyer, […]

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9 cool jobs to check out for this summer

We are back with 9 more cool jobs to inspire you! Whether or not you are actively job seeking, these may give you some interesting new career path ideas. Don’t forget to submit your jobs to us to publish if you are currently looking to hire for a cool job!  Our clients and community are […]

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