
What to expect from your first life coaching session

Achieving Goals, Life Coaching, Mindset & Mindfulness, Overcoming Fear
07/06/22 - Natalia Tamburini

So, you’ve decided you’re ready to work with a life coach, you’ve met the right person to be your coach, and your first session is scheduled. Now what?! Today, we’ll go over what you can expect from your first life coaching session. Of course, this will look different for every coach depending on their style, approach, and structure, but for the most part, this outline should give you a good idea of what’s ahead so you can feel excited and prepared for your first session!

Jitters and Initial Questions

Before and during your first life coaching session, you may feel jitters or nerves – that’s okay! We know it can be nerve-wracking to try something new, share personal experiences with a stranger, and have video meetings in general! Your life coach will do everything in their power to create a safe and open space for you to explore the various topics you’ll have in mind! 

To break the ice, feel free to prepare any questions you may have about your coach, their background, or how things work. If anything is unclear and making you uncomfortable, feel free to share it right off the bat so your coach can answer questions, address concerns, and get to know you better!

Ground Rules & Expectations

After you get the initial questions out of the way, you and your coach will go over some ground rules and expectations. This can include anything from scheduling logistics, discussing cancellation policy, and going over what to expect from your coach and sessions moving forward. 

This is also a great time for you to set your own expectations about what you need from your coach in your sessions and beyond. Your life coach is here for you, and many of their ground rules and expectations are set to make sure they create a great environment for your personal development and growth – however, you are ultimately the expert on your life, so don’t hesitate to ask for what you need to succeed. 

Who Are You?

Once logistics and ground rules are reviewed, you’ll jump into the good stuff: getting to know YOU! Your first life coaching session is all about your coach getting to know who you are and what works and doesn’t work for you. 

Your coach may ask a lot of questions to learn more about you. Rest assured that your coach comes from a place of openness and curiosity and never judgment. This is definitely the time for you to express any needs you may have when it comes to feeling seen or heard so your coach can better adjust their approach and coaching to your unique needs!

Why Are We Here?

At this point, you may have met your coach during a consultation or it may be your first time talking to them! It’s important that your coach learns what led you to coaching and what’s motivated you to seek coaching at this moment in time. 

Goal Alignment

Life coaching, from wherever you look at it, is about you; what matters are your goals, your obstacles, and your dreams. In your first life coaching session, you’ll take time to make sure you and your coach are aligned on what your goals are. Every coach does this slightly differently, but the purpose is to make sure that both you and your coach are clear on what you want.

To prepare for this, you can reflect on some of the following questions:

  • What do you want that you don’t currently have? Tangible or intangible!
  • How would your life be different if you achieved your goals?
  • Have your goals changed recently? What led to this change?
  • What have you tried in the past? What worked? What didn’t?

Your coach will support you in getting clear on your goals, so don’t worry if they’re blurry and jumbled up before your session. Setting clear goals isn’t a one-and-done deal, and this will be the first conversation of many that you will have around goal setting.

Takeaways & Next Steps

Because life coaching is all about you, you’ll always have some time to reflect at the end of each session. What are some of your biggest takeaways from today’s session? What did you learn about yourself?

From there, you and your coach will define your action steps. Some, you may set for yourself based on your session and goals. Others, your coach will challenge you to do; such as completing one of Ama La Vida’s eCoaching Modules or doing some journaling to reflect on a particular topic or theme. 

Are You Ready?

Facing the unknown of life coaching and what to expect can be daunting and scary. We hope that you are now feeling more prepared and at ease as you approach your first life coaching session! As always, let us know if you have any questions before you get started – we’re happy to help!

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