
Category: Career Transitions

woman smiling wearing hat

Our thoughts, beliefs, and stories are part of our internal world, and it is we who allow them to stop us from acknowledging our natural brilliance, slow our forward momentum, suspend any efforts to achieve our goals, and generally keep us stuck. If we are to overcome our insecurities, raise our self-esteem, move forward with […]

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two managers talking

We prepare for many things in life, but one thing that we cannot prepare for is losing our jobs. Going through this experience evokes many different emotions….fear, anger, embarrassment, shock and worry to name just a few. After the initial shock wears off, many employees find themselves wondering what is next and how do they […]

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“If you tie your self worth to your career, the successes and failures you experience will directly affect your self-worth.” Anne Wilson (professor of psychology at Wilfrid Laurier University) When I considered a career transition out of the HR profession, I initially feared that once I was no longer in a role as an HR […]

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Coaching has certainly grown in popularity over the last few years. It seems that every other person you meet is a coach! However, the actual value a coach can provide is often fuzzy or unclear. Particularly when it comes to career coaching, what a coach can and cannot do for you can be even more unclear! […]

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Download our comprehensive step-by-step guide to design and land a job you love!

Images from The ALV Career Method Guide
ALV Method Downloadable Guide

As a life coach supporting clients in unsatisfying careers, I want to say that lack of clarity is one of the top reasons people stay at a job they don’t enjoy. I’m going to pose this question to all of the readers here – are you happy with your job? If not, how come? Is […]

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What is Design Thinking? The term “design thinking” was coined by the global design and innovation company IDEO and is now a practice used around the world by strategists, designers, and organizations alike.  “Design Thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation—anchored in understanding customer’s needs, rapid prototyping, and generating creative ideas—that will transform the way […]

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