
Category: Mental Health

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about journaling?  Is it the fascinating world of Pinterest-worthy creations where each notebook represents a unique work of art? Does it take you back to your teen years when keeping a diary was a way to document your life? Maybe the idea is more […]

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Being an impactful leader takes more than business acumen and intelligence – it also requires emotional smarts and self-regulation. Author and psychologist Daniel Goleman, author of “Emotional Intelligence”, helped popularize the term and create more awareness of it in the 90’s. Goleman believes that success in life requires more than IQ alone. His research showed […]

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How many of us can honestly say we’re not happy with life? How many of us can say that if we had the choice to improve our happiness, we would? One of the most common feelings people struggle to find is happiness and the real question is: why is happiness so hard to find? Is […]

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It’s important to communicate what you need and what you want with others. But it’s not so simple for some people. Personal communication styles differ from person to person. It’s helpful first to understand your particular type of communication before you start talking to another person. The truth is that communication is a psychological process. […]

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So many of us are all too familiar with the term burnout. Burnout is a constant state of physical and emotional stress and exhaustion. With everything going on in the world right now, the burnout feeling is very real. We have our ups and downs, our good days and the bad. Time keeps going and […]

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It’s difficult to feel secure or safe in the modern job environment. It’s also really difficult trying to be indispensable without burning out at work. For many employees, job security is one of their main concerns, and many people are afraid that they may get laid off without warning. Businesses from different industries outsource their […]

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Self care has become such a buzzword lately. To be honest, it’s not just a 2020 thing. Self care has been thrown around rather lightly for years now. However, I think it’s with good reason: it’s important! Taking time to ensure your own needs are met is crucial to ensure you’re able to continue functioning, […]

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There’s a lot going on right now! Due to the pandemic and being stuck indoors, we are on social media more than ever! This means that we can easily become overwhelmed with the news we’re consuming and the amount of content being thrown at us constantly. It can be hard to navigate, so I’ve come up […]

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To all the parents out there, cheers to you – this has been no easy task! There is so much pressure to do it “right.” Every stage of the child’s life has its ups and downs. The constant worrying and anxiety never goes away. We also have our own lives with personal and professional demands. […]

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