
Category: Presence

the link between sleep and productivity

Approximately 45 percent of American adults slept poorly in the last week. Without the recommended seven hours of sleep, reasoning, emotional stability, and work productivity take a serious hit. Even those who got the right quantity of sleep may not have gotten the quality necessary for the body to be fully rested. Better sleep opens […]

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key milestones to celebrate

Committing to change a habit, a pattern or a belief about ourselves is HARD work. The decision to make the change is a long, arduous dialogue with our inner selves. When we finally embark on the journey to make the change, it’s easy to feel unmotivated or completely give up when we don’t see progress, […]

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how to reduce workplace stress

Keeping busy is not only encouraged but also expected in today’s workplace. If you feel pressure to wear multiple hats in both your personal and professional life, you’re not alone. However, overexerting yourself can have serious consequences on your wellbeing. Learning how to reduce workplace stress is the best way to ensure you don’t feel […]

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5 methods to relieve anxiety

Feeling nervous and agitated every once in a while is normal. When an important change in your life is coming, or a significant event, both good and bad, human beings tend to feel anxious. This is characterized by feelings of stress and the inability to relax or calm down. Unfortunately, for many, these feelings of […]

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veterans day

Since separating from the US Marines I’ve lost brothers to suicide, murder charges, and drug overdose. I’ve battled anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance abuse and suicidal thoughts myself.  As more and more of the men and women I served with lose or take their lives, I see this day as a time to reflect on my […]

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How to Embrace the Holiday Spirit while Staying Sane 4 tips from coach Teague!

The holiday season is fast approaching and I am fully leaning in. As much as I love this time of year, I find it pretty stressful. Between family celebrations (my parents are divorced, plus I have in-laws), work parties, Friendsgivings, and – oh yeah – the normal day-to-day responsibilities of life, it’s easy to arrive […]

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practical tips to help you manage stress in the midst of chaos

Did you know that up to 80% of illness and disease is precipitated by stress? While doctors once thought our genes predetermined our destiny, we now know that it’s our internal and external environment which signals our DNA to effectively turn on a disease process. Today I‘d like to talk to you about stress, the […]

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how to manage your difficult family members during the holidays

For more than 10 years, I haven’t lived with my family. In fact, I was kicked out of my home during my freshman year in high school and have only ever returned for holidays, birthdays and special occasions. I love my family to death and trust that they are doing the best they can with […]

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Time management is a crucial skill in essentially every job, and it’s even more important for entrepreneurs and small business owners. As the leader of your business, you’re likely responsible for a wide range of tasks that are critical to your company’s success, from getting a small business loan to managing inventory. Strong time management […]

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birthday reflections on what matters most

Every year around my birthday, I always take time to do a little year in review. I write down important milestones, lessons learned and things that I’m proud of.  The number one question I ask myself is, am I staying true to the values that really matter to me? As I’ve thought about this question […]

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When I was younger, I played tennis competitively – from an early age, I was a competitor. I was pitted against whoever my opponent was. We weren’t on the same team and were in a battle for every point there was. Tennis is an incredibly mental game. When I was down, I learned to never […]

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