
Top 10 Motivation Books for Your Self-Development

Achieving Goals, Career Enrichment, Confidence, Productivity
04/15/20 - Erica Sunarjo
10 motivational books

What do you feel when you hear about the success of other people? What sensation occupies a large part of your soul? Is it joy or envy? If you feel joy and pride, then you too are moving on the right path of self-development. But if you are jealous of those who are more successful, then it’s time to rectify the situation. That’s why you should consider this list of ten motivation books on self-development. They have been all translated into many languages and have helped readers around the world discover new opportunities and start a better life. Let’s get started.

You Have a Very Powerful Engine within Yourself That Can Be Boosted with Literature!

Great power is hidden inside each of us. However, artificial limitations and our stereotyped perception of reality do not allow us to realize our full potential. The most effective way to discover it is to arm yourself with specialized literature and finally start looking at things with different eyes. Below we have collected the ten best self-motivation. Read them all and you will be surprised how you could live before the discovery of this knowledge.

1. “The Power of Positive Thinking”, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

How can positive thinking change our life? Not all situations that happen depend on us. However, the outcome of these situations directly depends on how the person reacts and perceives every event. Yes, it is possible to sound like autosuggestion, but studies show the placebo still takes a significant place in the field of medicine. The author touches on the power of faith in his work. No, there isn’t a direct reference to religion, because everyone is free to choose their faith on their own. However, it will help you find the necessary faith that a person has lost – faith in oneself. There is nothing more significant than inner confidence. Having gained it, a person gains invisible wings that will lead him or her through all the obstacles. After all, if you do not believe in yourself, then why should others?

2. “Willpower: Why Self-Control is The Secret to Success”, Roy F. Baumeister, and John Tierney

What is the main meaning of the phenomenon of willpower? Willpower is a mental strength that can sometimes seem impossible to achieve. However, after reading this book, the reader will discover new boundaries of the permissible and the possible. If you want your life to be in your hands, then this knowledge will become indispensable for this purpose. You’ll be surprised how achievable strong willpower is. All you need are some clarifications and guidance which is exactly what this self-motivation book can provide you with.

3. “Habit Stacking”, S.J. Scott

Are you satisfied with your habits? If you want to introduce habits that will improve your life for the better this is the book for you. Our everyday lives consist of strong habits, which are quite difficult to overcome. But with some proven tips you can take the journey towards necessary change. This book is a collection of 127 habits that are tested by time and people, and they definitely give a positive result. The author suggests starting to change yourself gradually and slowly but surely strengthen each good habit, which together will make your best version of yourself.

4. “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking”, Susan Cain

What does the world have in store for introverts? Some people believe the modern world is becoming a bad place for introverts. Success revolves around strong communication and teamwork skills. In addition, the very concepts of introverts and extroverts as psychological categories have long been causing a lot of controversy among psychologists, and it has already been proved that it is impossible to belong to a certain type of personality exclusively. Then where did this opinion come from that introverts are not suitable for life in our world and cannot be successful? It is not true. If you see the whole world in yourself, then this book will help you strengthen your abilities and realize your best differences from those who are constantly in the spotlight.

5. “The Art of War”, Sun Tzu

Are you aware of your inner battles? Our whole life is a war in one or another way. And most often, we ourselves are our main adversary. That’s why you should know how to defeat your enemy. Do you agree that nothing good will come of the internal struggle? Only through peaceful negotiations, a better result can be achieved. Find out what inner harmony is, how to feel it, and how this awareness will help you overcome all obstacles in life.

6. “23 Anti-Procrastination Habits”, S.J. Scott

Is there a recipe for combating procrastination? Maybe there is no failproof recipe but if there is a will, there is a way. This is a consistent guide on how to really wean yourself to put off all affairs for an indefinite future. This self-motivation book helps you to develop an “anti-procrastination mindset.” You’ll learn which habits you need to form and make a part of your life if you want to stop living the overwhelming life of a procrastinator. Learn about the roots of your procrastination habits and the best ways of overcoming them. 

7. “The Four Agreements:”, Miguel Ruiz

Have you ever wondered, what will help you gain complete freedom? Or how to get rid of the cage in which we lock ourselves? Are you interested in finding out the answers? This work can be a key to freedom for everyone who sits in the “cage.” Your head will work like never before. It’s time to dispel the smoke that has enveloped you, through the strict guidance of the writer.

8. “The Magic of Thinking Big”, David J. Schwartz

Do the little things trouble you? Do you feel captivated by daily problems? In fact, we are able to solve any problem, or at least change our attitude towards it and see the essence from a different angle. This self-motivation book encourages you to think globally, and not to attach too much importance to trifles. Don’t allow your mind to be troubled by common and small life issues. Start looking at the bigger picture. According to the author, this is the key to overcoming any life troubles, as well as opening a cool opportunity to reach new horizons for yourself.

9. “The Energy Bus”, Ken Blanchard, Jon Gordon

What is our internal energy? Where does it come from? This is a great force that carries our spirit. And depending on this, it can be destructive, destroying all remnants of self-control and strength. Or this energy can revive new forces that can affect us positively. It is up to us to choose what type of energy we welcome and accept in our life. This book can teach you to distinguish true achievements and discover the world of mutual understanding not only with people around you but also with yourself.

10. “You Are a Badass”, Jen Sincero

Are you aware of how amazing you are and what you can achieve? The key idea of this book is that all barriers exist only in our heads. The author convinces us that each person deserves a lot, but very often we do not allow ourselves to accept it, because we believe that in fact, we are not worth it. This book breaks stereotypes to make you accept your inner capabilities and chase after new opportunities that we are given every day. The main point is to find strength in ourselves so we can realize our own potential.

 Summing Up

Each person, at a different time period, needs support. At some points, we need to restore strength, as well as cast aside doubts to believe in yourselves again. Self-motivation books are an excellent medicine and prevention of such “diseases.” Love yourself and feed your brain with diverse “tasty” sources of knowledge.

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Erica Sunarjo

Erica Sunarjo is a professional writer, translator, and editor with a Master’s degree in Marketing and Social Media. She writes thought- provoking articles for publications in a variety of media and is an active member of the translator community.

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