
Category: Reducing Stress

young women looking at computer while writing

Whether you’ve been looking for work for a while or you’ve just started, you’ve probably experienced some job search frustration, and you’re not alone. The current job market is competitive, the search process can be confusing and mysterious, and applying for jobs can be time consuming and repetitive. Repeated rejections can be painful, but are better […]

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woman reading book and journaling

I don’t have time for self-care. That statement often comes up whenever I speak within organizations about self-care at work. I empathize with that sentiment. We struggle to keep up with the ever-quickening pace of work. The interconnected nature of our roles can make it feel as if we’re always on the clock, even during […]

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two people talking to each other at a table

Why is it so simple to avoid difficult conversations? We are SUPER uncomfortable with conflict. We don’t want to come across as mean, opinionated, or stubborn.  Sometimes we are not even sure we have the authority or are right. And so, we get comfortable avoiding conflict. We convince ourselves that living with the status quo is easier or […]

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two woman looking at a computer screen

Before diving into some tips, let’s establish what self-confidence is. Simply put, it’s your perception of YOU – what you think and how you feel about the constellation of talents, skills, abilities, experiences, personality, etc. that are uniquely you. It includes a positive view of self, neither exaggerated or deflated, and a feeling of trust […]

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Download our comprehensive step-by-step guide to design and land a job you love!

Images from The ALV Career Method Guide
ALV Method Downloadable Guide

person writing in a journal

As a female-founded small business with a passion for helping others achieve their dreams, we believe in celebrating the wins of our community. Every month, we feature one Founding Female and the golden truths they acquired throughout their journey. We are endlessly inspired by the courage, grit, determination, and impact that our fellow Female Founders […]

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When we begin anything new, it can be scary. Question after question may swarm in our minds until we find ourselves doubting if we can actually do it. This is definitely the case when we become a manager for the first time. By intentionally leading with purpose, you can be a successful leader and gain […]

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