
Category: Reducing Stress

You know that voice inside your head; the one that’s always pointing out all the things you’re doing wrong, and all the things you could do better? Yep, that’s your inner critic, and we all have one. Much like everything else in life, your inner critic has good intentions (always bettering!) but is only beneficial […]

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So many of us are all too familiar with the term burnout. Burnout is a constant state of physical and emotional stress and exhaustion. With everything going on in the world right now, the burnout feeling is very real. We have our ups and downs, our good days and the bad. Time keeps going and […]

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It’s difficult to feel secure or safe in the modern job environment. It’s also really difficult trying to be indispensable without burning out at work. For many employees, job security is one of their main concerns, and many people are afraid that they may get laid off without warning. Businesses from different industries outsource their […]

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Self care has become such a buzzword lately. To be honest, it’s not just a 2020 thing. Self care has been thrown around rather lightly for years now. However, I think it’s with good reason: it’s important! Taking time to ensure your own needs are met is crucial to ensure you’re able to continue functioning, […]

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How to Start Prioritizing Your Mental Health

With the New Year, come new resolutions that aim towards improving one’s health. In fact, most of Americans’ 2019 New Year’s resolutions were geared towards health and exercise that range from going on a new diet to hitting the gym regularly. And this isn’t surprising, as health is one of the top priorities that influence […]

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the link between sleep and productivity

Approximately 45 percent of American adults slept poorly in the last week. Without the recommended seven hours of sleep, reasoning, emotional stability, and work productivity take a serious hit. Even those who got the right quantity of sleep may not have gotten the quality necessary for the body to be fully rested. Better sleep opens […]

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Stress is a normal part of life. Regardless of your daily responsibilities and lifestyle, you’re bound to experience stress. And while stress can motivate a person to do better, too much of it can compromise a person’s overall health. Poor stress management can increase your risk of developing illnesses and diseases, which can adversely affect […]

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