
The Ama La Vida “Laid Off Toolkit”

Achieving Goals, Career Enrichment, Career Transitions, Leadership Coaching, Mindset & Mindfulness, Productivity
11/16/22 - Cara Bernstein Chernoff
person typing on computer

Seeing all of the news of the layoffs at a variety of different companies over the past few weeks is heartbreaking. There are so many amazing professionals out there now ready to work, and are starting to think about next steps.

It is absolutely OK not to be OK right now.

Grieve, cry, scream, sleep in, eat some comfort food, work out, meditate, drink some water, binge some media of your choice, take a break – do whatever it is you need to do for you during this time of transition.

And when you are ready, there is a great network of people out here to help.

We wanted to offer up some of the resources here at Ama La Vida to those who may be in a state of transition:

1. The Ultimate Career Transition Guide

Ready to land a job you love? Download our ALV Career Method guide that was created to help you manage your career so you can get unstuck and land your dream job! Click here to download for free today.

2. Check out our popular job search strategies

Gain instant access to our full library of top job searching strategies, including insights on how to discover open opportunities all the way to interview and application support. Access our library here.

3. Read our blog articles, in particular, we’d like to highlight these:

4. Connect with us across social

Come hangout with us on Instagram and LinkedIn. We’re always sharing resources on these channels that can help you build your toolbox!

5. The ALV Career Method eCourse

Ready for a career change? Join thousands of our students who have successfully career transitioned using our proprietary methodologies. Click here to join for $99 today.

6. Coaching Support

1:1 Private Career Coaching

Ready to design a career you love with individualized and custom-tailored support? Our most popular coaching packages offers you the opportunity to work 1-on-1 with a career specialists and coach to guide you through our 4-part process to help you build a career you are passionate about. Click here to learn more.

Community Membership Group Coaching

Maybe you’re not quite ready for individual coaching, but you’d still love to work with a coach (and group of people) who are able to help you stay accountable to your goals. Click here to learn more about how our Community Membership can help you.

Cara Bernstein Chernoff

Strategic Leader Driving Growth and Collaboration | Adult Learning Enthusiast | Rainbow Glasses Connoisseur

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