Category: Productivity

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about journaling?  Is it the fascinating world of Pinterest-worthy creations where each notebook represents a unique work of art? Does it take you back to your teen years when keeping a diary was a way to document your life? Maybe the idea is more […]

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So many of us are all too familiar with the term burnout. Burnout is a constant state of physical and emotional stress and exhaustion. With everything going on in the world right now, the burnout feeling is very real. We have our ups and downs, our good days and the bad. Time keeps going and […]

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With everything going on in the world right now, the struggle to find motivation and productivity is real. The need to overcome procrastination is also real, but can feel so far away. We have our ups and downs, our good days and bad. Time keeps going and it has a strange surreal feel to it. […]

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Time management is a struggle we all face, no matter what we do in life. From high-powered CEOs and girl bosses running their own digital companies to stay-at-home parents and college students, everyone would benefit from becoming a little bit better at managing their time. We’re going to dig into eight of the best time […]

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10 motivational books

What do you feel when you hear about the success of other people? What sensation occupies a large part of your soul? Is it joy or envy? If you feel joy and pride, then you too are moving on the right path of self-development. But if you are jealous of those who are more successful, […]

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tips to manage study time

If you’re entering finals week, you’re probably more than a little stressed. Even if you’ve taken exams plenty of times, it’s still a nerve-wracking period as you want to excel and conquer your finals. To help you make sure you ace your exams, we’ve put together a list of effective tips to manage your study time […]

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habits of successful people

It’s common for people to want a little more out of life. Many are typically harder on themselves than they are on anyone else around them, so when you’re stuck in your day-to-day routine and you feel like you’ve lost direction, you can find comfort in knowing you’re not alone. Oftentimes, some of your biggest […]

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creative ways to stay focused

Do you feel like your brain is buffering every five minutes or getting distracted by Instagram, Facebook or Twitter-like a kid in a candy store? We all struggle with focus, but when we have strict deadlines to keep up with, being productive should be at the top of your list. Here are some creative ways […]

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the link between sleep and productivity

Approximately 45 percent of American adults slept poorly in the last week. Without the recommended seven hours of sleep, reasoning, emotional stability, and work productivity take a serious hit. Even those who got the right quantity of sleep may not have gotten the quality necessary for the body to be fully rested. Better sleep opens […]

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