
I, like many others I know, have a tendency to want what I don’t already have. Not necessarily in material goods, but in attributes and skills. When I moved to the US at a young age, I noticed the increased level of creativity my fellow classmates exhibited. They seemed so skilled at creating beautiful art […]

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Everyone has big dreams. Some bury theirs deeper than others. Deep down under a lifetime of experiences telling them their dreams aren’t possible. Some days the dreamer in you might take over and think, “Wouldn’t it be incredible if…,” but you shut it down right away before that dream can even manifest itself into a […]

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These days, when you run into a friend on the street and ask them how they are, the answer is rarely “good.”  The answer is more often “busy.” We live in a society addicted to busyness. Some of it may be real, but a lot of it is self-created. With so much external stimulus, we […]

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The job search and interview process is not fun. Let’s call a spade a spade. In fact, it can be downright miserable. Not only are you hyper-conscious of your empty wallet, you’re putting yourself in a constant position of being evaluated, judged and critiqued. And when things don’t go as planned and you get passed […]

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Houston is a trainer, speaker and kindness advocate. He travels the country speaking to schools and organizations about creating lives filled with compassion, character, purpose, and love. We were honored to pick Houston’s brain about what kindness means and how we can better practice it in our everyday lives.  Houston’s insights were profound and inspirational. Enjoy!

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Have you ever walked into your colleague’s office looking for that very important time sensitive document only to find yourself in front of piles and piles of documents and scattered food remains? Imagine it – what’s going through your head? If you’re anything like me, you’re feeling anxious, stressed out about meeting your deadline, frustrated, […]

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Well, I’m doing it. I’m actually going to write down the words: I am a different person after having a baby. I want to have a career. I want to be a physically (and mentally) present wife and mom. I want to do things for me. I want my son to look up to me. […]

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No one is you and that is your power – Dave Grohl As children we receive unconditional love – all we need to do is signal by making a noise and we are embraced with warmth, food, love and admiration. As we grow and develop we are subjected to rules and expectations from both our […]

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